Monday, April 15, 2019

Roller Coaster

Dear Family,
                Oh, so many emotions this week.  I have been going through pictures to pick some for a slide show during graduation.  I have laughed, cried and said, “Awwwwww”, so many times.  It’s a roller coaster!  I’m still not done but I have noticed something.  Adriel is brave, beautiful, kind and strong with amazing talent and a wonderful imagination.  I also recognized something I never pondered before.  Adriel is mischievous.  She has this look!  And sometimes she does things, like paint her brother.  (He was fine until it started drying.)
                Adriel enjoyed Prom this week.  I am glad she was up and ready for church the next day.  Good for her.
                Someone noticed on the books Adriel has illustrated that it looks like Star has different color hair!  Oh dear – heart attack time.  I checked and it really did look that way.  I texted Adriel.  She corrected me – the cover of Stars first kiss is a picture of Star’s mom.  Oh, yes, that makes sense.  Adriel said she made sure she was doing the right color hair on Star.  Silly me.  I’m so glad Adriel is on top of it.
                Bobby made several yummy dishes this week and I am thankful.  Bobby and I were eating together at the dining table alone.  I said, “Well, here it is our future.  We are eating alone together.  Just us.”  Bobby had to interject, “And Seth.”  At this, I did have to laugh.  Yes, Seth was five feet away from us – on his computer.  He was doing homework quietly.  We probably will have our quiet son for a while.
                Bobby had a great message for the youth Tuesday night and he thanked me for coming.  That’s always very sweet.
                It is also very sweet that you read what is going on in our lives.  Have a wonderful week.  May you enjoy the beauty popping up all around us. 

Much love J


1 comment:

  1. I love the expressions on those kids; made me laugh out loud!
