Sunday, April 28, 2024



Dear Family,


               I am so glad Bobby mowed the lawn on Monday.  He’s has become interested in the garden, and I enjoy that!  He likes lilies (not daylilies).  It’s fun that he enjoys watching them grow.  Bobby also cooked a wonderful dinner with plenty of leftovers on Monday and we are still blessed with them now.

               Tuesday evening, I delighted in the middle school shenanigans.   The lesson was about Jonah and following God is the best idea (the first time God asks us to do something).  When Bobby asked, “What is a prophet?”  The first answer was, “It’s when you get out more than you put in.”  This is true when it comes to profit, but Bobby had to ask again, “What is a prophet in the Bible?”  Another student had to say, “It was me!  In the Bible my name is ____ who was a prophet.”  That was a closer answer.

               Later there was a youth who had a bloody nose.  As he walked to the bathroom he said, “I’m going to make it look like a horror movie in there.”

               The next evening High School group was also fun.  They are nice people, so the worst smack talk I heard about in games was, “Did someone drop you on your head when you were a baby?”  This brought up someone in our group who had and that was a whole other conversation.  Later, when we were talking about Jonah and Bobby mentioned he was in the whale someone said, “Like an air B & B!”  Another person had to pipe in with, “Not a four star one though.”

               By Thursday, staying up late for youth group and getting up early for work had worn on me.  So, Bobby and I agreed that I could go to sleep right after work.  He picked me up and that was very kind of him.  I can’t say how much I enjoy sleeping!  I needed that and enjoyed sleeping from 5:30 PM to 4:00 AM.   I was able to continue working the rest of the week 😊.  Yay!  Although I did hit my limit, we had enough recovery time to continue for a 55 hour work week.

               Seth picked me up after church last Sunday and I had forgotten that he drives a smaller blue car.  I was excited to get into the cute car and then looked over.  I mentioned how neat his car is and how super fly he looks with his glasses on.  Then I complimented him on his music and said, “I feel like I got picked up by the cool kid.”  I was rewarded with a shy smile.  He’s fun to be with, my son.

               Adriel went up to Seattle this weekend to celebrate her cousin (my nieces) Birthday.  I am so glad she represented us 😊.  My parents were excited to have her, and I heard joy in our phone conversation.  Yay, Adriel!

               Friday, I enjoyed some time just be with Bobby and Saturday he was at Tapawingo all day.  I feel so blessed to have a home with love in it.  Having a roof over our heads is a big deal.  I am thankful for the ability to work, the blessings of God and that we can do good works which he prepared in advance for us to do. 

               May you also feel as blessed as you are and find joy in the journey.  Much love, Cristy

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