Monday, May 6, 2024



Dear Family,


               Although I was very tired this week, I feel blessed to have been included in the seasonal program at the Department of Revenue.  That was an amazing opportunity and way more fun than I could have ever expected.  I learned a lot about myself, taxes, and made new friends.

               Monday Bobby cooked Shepherds pie and that is still going strong for an amazing leftovers meal.  Thursday, he made chip beef on toast, and I am glad he cooks.  I am continually, always glad he enjoys that process.  We did watch, “Worst Cooks in America” and had to laugh when someone said, “Cereal again.”  Hey – I eat it because I like it.  I’m not that bad in the kitchen.  I just don’t enjoy the work after 10 years of being a lunch lady.

               Tuesday night we had 12 new people from fifth grade.  The excitement and acceptance were delightful.  Smaller siblings were introduced.  Young and old enjoyed themselves.  When Bobby announced there would be a Root Beer float night this summer the crowd said, “Ohhhhh,” loud enough that Bobby had to laugh and say, “This youth group even comes with its own sound effects.”  During lesson time one of the sentences to fill in was, “A T _ _ _ _ life C _ _ _ _ _ _ _   story of their own.  (John 4:39-42).  See if you can guess what it was after reading the passage (Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony, “He told me everything I ever did.” So when the Samaritans came to him, they urged him to stay with them, and he stayed two days. And because of his words many more became believers.  They said to the woman, “We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world.”)  Here’s the hint Bobby gave.  It’s cereal.  So here are the guesses, “Trix? Cheerios?”  I found that funny.  The answers are on the bottom PS.

               During the High School group lesson time Bobby had a game that included guessing movies from ‘three word’ quotes.  When he said, “None Shall Pass” someone guessed, “Lord of the Rings?”  “Let it go” was an easy one.  “Do it now!”  Someone had to say, “My parents.”  Not a movie but, true nonetheless. 

               Friday, I enjoyed going to bed around 6PM because I was at work the next day at 4AM.  I truly enjoy sleeping!  Don’t we all need it?  I must be into worms because I’m an early bird.

               Saturday, I had the best nap because getting up at midnight is taxing.  I feel blessed to have a warm cozy home in this rainy weather.  This is a luxury many do not have.  May we be mindful of those without homes.  May we be kind and generous to the Union Gospel Mission and other places that bring hope.

               Much love, Cristy



PS.  The answer is Total life Changing.  Total is a cereal.

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