Monday, October 17, 2022

10/17/22 Disneyland

 Dear Family,

Disneyland is a fun place to visit especially when your loved one is a big kid.  I present some quotes: “ If I had a tail I would wag it.”  Later, as I was eating a banana.  “That’s a terrible smell.  I would prefer you had farted.”  As he was considering the purchase of a lightsaber I had to interject.  “You know the lightsaber doesn’t cut people.”  His response was,  “I’m going to get the upgrade.”  As we were in line for California soaring,  I inhaled deeply and said, “It smells soo good.  I think I smell the oranges already!”  Bobby, “Spoiler alert!”  And Bobby was saying how funny the jungle cruise people are.  I said I could probably be one, and he agreed!  Also, it was nice that he wanted me to be with him but when I was done at 11:30 am one day he was ok with me leaving.  That kind of freedom was lovely since I can’t stomach more than one wiggly ride a day.

Also, there was an interesting phenomenon.  We heard excited “Bobby Van Kleek!”  Several times.  On the shuttle to the airport in Portland, we met a classmate.  At Disneyland, we met church people.  Bobby even took hours to be with Salem friends while I took my daily nap.  He is even fabulous at making new friends, learning their names, and connecting with them as he sees them later.

We did enjoy our trip.  I’m very glad to be home.

While gone I was able to zoom with Seth to listen to his speech for college.  It was so good it brought me to tears.  He also cared for our kitty.  When I mentioned I missed her, Seth said: “Want to talk to her?”  I think that was adorable.  I don’t miss how much she meows at all but I do miss nose kisses and how she plays and purrs. 

Adriel stopped by to check on Seth which I think is lovely.  He had a cold but is on the mend.

I’m so thankful for love, fun, and friends.  May you also find joy wherever you go.  May you speak life into all you meet and be glad for God's love and sacrifice.  Love and hugs, Cristy

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