Monday, December 26, 2022


 Dear Family,


                I liken myself to a lizard.  If I sit too long, I become cold.  Especially my hands and feet.  This is one reason I like being active.  I don’t like being cold.  Bobby on the other hand seems to be a human heat blaster.  When I put my cold hands on him the other day it was delightful. . for me.  He on the other hand felt his warmth sap like Jesus’s power when someone touched his robe.  Bobby’s comment, “Are you even alive?!”

                My coworker was thanking me for all the training and help the past year when the conversation turned to how fast I am at getting groceries.  I get a star for being the fastest picker every week. I remembered that I have been fast all my life and then was instantly grateful for my mother who had to be even faster.  My mother caught me on my first day of life when I wiggled off the changing table.  She also snatched me from oncoming traffic when I was a toddler.  I may have always been fast, but my mother and guardian angels were always faster.  Grandma on the other hand caught up to me later when I ran ahead into the candy store.

                Shopping for funny Christmas presents is one of my favorite things all year round.  This year Bobby had a present game that involved dice, sending presents three to the left, back to the right, trade with another person or picking two people to trade, etc., and only occasionally opening one.   In the end, everyone opened what they had, and the trading began.  I was delighted when a youth was willing to trade the Bob Ross fanny pack for a Chipotle gift card.  Both sides were very pleased.  Another pair proudly wore a pink unicorn hat and silly glasses attached to a hat and mustache.  The person that received Grogu with a frog already had one but wasn’t willing to trade it because the one I had found was cuter than the one at home.  Yay!  No one cried.  If I find myself laughing in the store aisle, then the present is perfect!

                The Webb/VanKleek families came over on the 22nd.  I am very glad a work friend traded days with me so I could be home for it.   Bobby worked hard to make sure all food was prepared on time.  He also sacrificed evening time so
Seth could stay.  I am very thankful for our ability to gather.  It was lovely to spend time with family. 

                Christmas eve was beautiful and meaningful.  I love singing with fire in my hand.  It’s also a lovely picture there is beauty in the firelight.  I truly enjoyed the new selfie booth which was perfect for our dressed-up look.  I am delighted we have more photos of our family to share.

            Celebrating Christmas day with friends and Church members is precious.  I enjoyed the Sunday service so much.  Bobby mentioned maybe we didn’t need to read the Christmas story before opening presents because we had heard it Christmas eve and Christmas morning.  I teased him about deciding he had enough spirituality.  So9meone else chimed in that we needed to go even further and reenact the Christmas story.  I said Bobby has to be the donkey, Adriel can ride in, Seth can be Joseph and the cat can be baby Jesus.  Bobby decided the tradition of reading the story would be quite fine, thank you.

            Celebrating with the Duval/Kuykendall’s is delightful.  I enjoy the conversation, smiles and laughs.  I love seeing smiles the most.  Being adopted is truly wonderful.

                May you delight in the beautiful memories of Christmas past.  May you find joy in gathering.  May your heart be full and your stomach be not too full.  Hugs,





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