Monday, February 28, 2022


 Dear Family,


            My mind is still trying to digest a book that made me cry, laugh, and feel shocked.  I recommend it not only because it’s amazing but because I want to talk about it with people.  I am still digesting and trying to figure it out.  “Muslims, Christians, and Jesus” by Carl Medearis is a doozy.  I am not calming it to be gospel truth but I am saying there is a lot to discuss.  Please buy it and read it, let’s talk.

            The latest from my sister J.  Her husband has moved home and they are finding a new normal.  I am definitely praying about how much to give to their recovery fund:

            As for this week?  Here are some snippets.

I thought a gif was cute so I told Adriel, “I love you more than bacon” with it.  She was sad, “You don’t even like bacon.”  I had to backtrack and profess my love more appropriately.  She is right, I really don’t like bacon.

Youth group was fabulous as usual.  The youth continue to also be amusing.  One person decided to stand on one leg during songs.  He was not balancing that well and hopping around which was distracting.  His decision was copied by several others so we had an interesting couple of songs.  Bobby decided to make a new rule.  “No standing on one leg during songs.”  I had to pop in with, “This is mentioned in the Bible, 2 Hesitations 2:4.” Bobby quipped back so fast with, “No it’s in Psalms 151!”  Bobby’s rebuke was so decisive the youth was like, “What?!  That rule really is in the Bible?” 

I was feeling quite proud of myself for figuring out a fun new fact and I had to share this with the youth group while we were playing gutter ball.   Here it is, see what you think.  If your pet is super vocal (like ours), if they mew or bark a lot – then you have a family of external processors.  I believe the animals talk so much to us because we talk right back to them and they feel heard.  I felt so smart until one of the youth said, “I have a fish.”

Bobby was trying to make a point with this verse, ““Faithful are the wounds of a friend; profuse are the kisses of an enemy.”
Proverbs 27:6 ESV
.   He was asking, “Would you rather have a kiss from an enemy or” . . .  but the youth was nodding her head, “Yes,” way too much about this.  She had a dreamy look and Bobby had to stop with, “You just want to be kissed.”  Kids these days.

            Bobby mentioned he wanted to play a certain game, “But it’s high stakes.”  The youth perked up, “Did you say Steaks?

            Bobby and Adriel are detail people.  When I ask for help with my hair I am only asking for someone to point (literally point) where I have missed any spots.  Bobby and Adriel are good at seeing flaws (In more than one way).  I am glad for detail people and global.  This week I asked Seth to help because he happened to be the only one around.  His assessment was that it looked fine, can’t see any grey at all.  My “This might take 10 minutes” was done in 1 and he could go back to his life.  I told him, “It’s OK, that means I got it all.”  I do have to smile though.  He reminds me of me.  Ahh, everything is fine, it will all work out in the end.

            Seth also mowed some of the lawn.  Yay, Seth.

            I am glad Bobby came home safe from the High School retreat.  While I was working he texted a call to prayer with notification that they were on the side of the snowy road trying to put on chains.  He seemed anxious so I asked co-workers if they pray and if they did I asked for prayer for my hubby.  It was neat to find out who prays.

            Bobby is now home from a men’s retreat.  I am glad to have him back safe.  Doesn’t his picture look photo-shopped?!


            May you find joy, love, and peace in each day God gives.  May you enjoy each breath.  Love and hugs, Cristy

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