Monday, April 25, 2022


 Dear Family,


            As the years go by and we influence each other it can be very rewarding to look back and be so glad we have grown in wisdom, maturity, and strength.  I was bored one evening as Bobby had gone to council one of our youth from days past for marriage.  I was texting my sister and mentioned what he was doing then thought to share a picture of the past.  All three people Bobby is standing with years ago are taller and of marriage age.  How fun that we are involved at such a pivotal time for such wonderful people.

            Some fun at youth group included another fill-in-the-blank fiasco.  Bobby was trying to help people understand that a proof for Jesus being raised from the dead is how many eyewitnesses there were.  The sentence was, “We can trust - - - - - - - - - - - -.  Someone asked, “Ethernet?”.

            Someone asked me something and I heard, “Salty kitten tissue?”   I repeated this question and the person said, “Yeah, let’s go with that.”  Later on, he did ask someone for a tissue.  I definitely misheard. 

            Bobby and I enjoyed visiting Cassie Johnson’s art display at George Fox University.  She has done well and it’s fun to see how she has matured.   Later Bobby and I ate at “Just Pho You” which was super yummy.  I enjoy spending time with Bobby and am so glad still for his company.

            Adriel was a fun cameo appearance.  She continues to grow, love, and be fabulous.

            Seth is a constant and loving presence.  He will watch a show with us if it’s on.  I am enjoying the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.  That the older sister goes on a large bus ride and then has a bonfire in the name of “Protecting the earth from air pollution” had both Seth and I scratching our heads.

            I have been reminiscing and am very glad to have stuck life out.  There was a time I really did wish God would take me.  I did try taking my own life once and am glad God saved me from not only myself but from sin, the car that almost ran me over when I was a toddler (thanks mom for quickly pulling me back), and from giving up.  I am glad to be alive, glad to be married, and glad for the laws of the harvest.  Life really is hard in the beginning; so much learning, growing, and striving.  Now I am enjoying the fruit of our labor; raspberries, easier relationships, laughter, and grown children.

            May you also persevere.  May you, “Not grow weary in well doing.”  (Galatians 6;9).  I promise you, the ’40s can be fabulous.  My 20’s and ’30s were very hard for me but I’m glad God pulled me thru.  Much love,





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