Tuesday, November 24, 2020



Dear Family,

                This week has been uneventful and filled with peace.  I must admit, we did have a saga.  Seth has been wearing the same shirt to church (washed each week) for over a month.  I have asked him to stop wearing it because he has grown out of it.  It’s time.  He smiled and refused.  His reasons are that he likes the pattern and the feel of the shirt.  If I can find the same shirt in a bigger size he will wear it.  The next week I went on my knees and pleaded to no avail.  The last-ditch effort after that was resorting to threats, “I will hide that shirt.”  Seth said he would sue.

11/15 was the day Seth’s favorite Sunday shirt moved from the dry laundry to a hidden place.  11/18 I typed a letter that started with, “You will have to get a lawyer.”  I handed this letter to him as I was walking out the door.  My words were, “Read this later.”  He read it immediately and as I was driving away I heard fast angry footsteps racing upstairs to our rooms.  I worked and then went to our Thanksgiving prayer event at church where Seth was volunteering.  Chagrined, I avoided him.  Later when I saw him at home I started with, “I don’t want to make you mad . . .”  Seth smiled and said, “I was mad at first, but you are going to have to hide things way better than that.  I have it now and it is hidden from you.”  Hmmm – I laughed and knew once again, I have met my match.  I recounted this story to Bobby as Seth listened in.  Seth said, “I tried looking for a new one and you are right, it’s impossible to find in any size.  I’ll wear a different shirt.”  Pleased the next Sunday morning I said, “Thank you for wearing a new shirt!”  His response, “Get used to it, I’ll be wearing it a lot.”

Seth’s outlook on life is so interesting.  We were watching, “The Good Doctor season 2” when Seth mentioned that the new boss needed to know Shaun’s reason for being a surgeon.  I had to ask what it was and Seth verbatim told me.  “Wow, Seth I am impressed you remember that.”  Off-handed Seth said, “You must know Medical Practice has Lore.”

Adriel was not excited to put all her items from the floor to the bed Wednesday morning because she woke up around the time I had carpet cleaners working hard.  She did it though and said, “Thank you” for their hard work.  I love the clean smell that Chem-dry leaves.  I am grateful Adriel was quick to clean.

I enjoyed Adriel’s company Sunday night for a take out dinner.  We had a great talk and I love her company.

Bobby made several yummy dinners and we enjoyed eating together.  I am so glad I have a wonderful family to come home to after work. 

Bobby had an excellent Friendsgiving event for the youth Group Tuesday night.  We all played an online game called among us.  I enjoyed watching people excited to be together and laughing about their suspicions over who was an intruder or not.  Bobby provided masks with cute people in Astronaut outfits.  This became everyone's new favorite mask.  Bobby is a master at creating a group identity.  I have received many compliments on the mask as I do my Instacart shopping.

Bobby was glad to visit his dad in Bend overnight.  I am very glad he came back home safe.  Bobby is a good son and I am glad his parents enjoy his company.  Yay for family.

May you find joy in visiting family.  May God keep us safe as the holidays approach.  Much love,





PS, I saw these Turkeys - they don't know how dangerous it is to be wandering around!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I love your whimsy, your wit, your "down home folks" attributes...their sorties' and stories. Blessing on you, dear Christy and family (ol neighbor friend). Well, you're not old, but I am at ripening 83'sville. God is good to his children, and I'm glad that we are "related". Love to you-all and virtual hugs! Judy
