Monday, June 4, 2018

6/4/18 Graduating teens

Dear Family,

                It’s fun to have a week with celebration!  People are graduating, Seth turned 15, and we have been married 22 years now.  What a week! 
                Seth was able to mow the lawn this week, and I am so glad he’s that big.  I came home one day and told Seth, “I want a great big hug!”  He said, “OK” and it was sweet.  He’s a gentle giant.  Later on, I went to my room and even though I promised myself I would NEVER talk to an animal with a high voice I did it.  I do it.  I talk to Ripley high pitched and because Seth heard that voice he came into my room and had to pet her also.  Ripley is so fun – she just takes it in.  She looks at a human and then flops down.  She will even do this on stairs, Ripley will flop down a couple of stairs, no problem, to show us she is ready to be petted.  It’s adorable.
                Seth enjoyed his Birthday of pretty much nothing special.  He didn’t want a cake; he didn’t want any visitors, he didn’t want singing (I did it anyway to him saying, “Stop!”)  When I mentioned that sometimes people get spankings for their Birthday he was surprised and said he definitely did not want spankings.  “Why would anyone do that?!??”  Seth did enjoy spending some cash and was content.  He also enjoyed a shrimp dinner and a Blackberry milkshake.  I did notice some things I could fix for Seth, and he appreciated that. 
                Seth and Bobby did help me weed last week – I forgot to mention it.  It’s crazy how fast weeds grow in the spring.  They are very happy.
                Bobby has his entire summer planned out, and it’s nice to see the calendar. 

                Bobby and I enjoyed some time at the beach this week.  We celebrated our 22 years with wonderful walks on the beach, relaxing, and enjoying yummy food.  It is so nice that the kids are old enough to take care of themselves.  Although . . . Adriel did want to drive to Portland for Krispy Kreme’s free Donut day.  My texted response was, “No driving to Portland while you aren’t feeling so hot, when you have a test tomorrow when you are taking care of your brother, when we are out of town, and it’s just for a dog but.  So not healthy!”
            Autocorrect made that funny.
                Adriel had an interview this week, and she said she got the job.  Yeah!
                Adriel enjoyed going out with me to Arby’s.  I am glad she likes my company and is willing to talk to me, especially if there is food involved.  She is very sweet and feels the same as I do about school.  We are so ready for it to be done.  She also wants a piranha even though we won’t get her one.  I mentioned sarcastically that some people think cats will kill us.  She said, “I don’t want a piranha to pet it!” 
                May you enjoy the people you encounter, the work you do and nature all around.  May you find peace where you are and may you bloom, grow and bless those you know.

Much Love,



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