Monday, November 29, 2021


 Dear Family,

                We hustled and bustled ourselves to the Seattle area for Thanksgiving.  Meanwhile, my friend was laying on her death bed – they are waiting for God to gently take her home.  “Be still and know that I am the Lord” God says.   We made it there and back safely.  Oh, I pray my friend is happily in the arms of her savior singing and dancing.  Yes, Deena is older than me – yes, her time comes.  I am excited to see her on the other side but am so sad her journey is close to the end here.  I hope she did not experience pain.  I pray those left behind are comforted knowing that they will see her in heaven.  And yes, I am praying, calling out to God for peace in their lives.  This season is one of light, may there be joy even in this suffering.  Tears are coming, may they be dried with loving and gentle embraces.

                There is joy in the every day.  We are living and breathing the air God has given us.  Bobby and I had a nice date.  We ate out and enjoyed each other's company.   Bobby helped me add Henna to the back of my hair.  I always do the front and usually don’t care about the back.  But I caught a glimpse – it was time.  It is kind of silly to only do part of the job because that’s what I see.  You all have to look at me also.

                Adriel was glad to have me over for lunch.  I was tentative coming up to her office but she seemed to be the only one there so – phew.  No one kicked me out.  She is thankful for flannel sheets and happy to share some time with me. 

                Funny thing.  The sheets were not soft enough for Seth – he would rather have polar fleece than flannel.  To each their own J.  Seth brought boxes in for Christmas decorating and groaned at the mention of Christmas music.  Seth also mowed a lawn and thanked me for giving him a choice of the front lawn now or the back one later. 

                Bobby drove the entire way and back – hours of tedious attentiveness.  I slept most of the way.  I am not nervous about the drive one bit.  How wonderful to sit back and relax.  I am blessed that Bobby is willing to take the wheel.  (He wouldn’t let me drive if I wanted to).  Bobby set up the tree and ornaments.  He remembers each ornament and has joy in that journey.  I enjoy setting up the lights.  Lights brighten the world!

                May your hope and joy be in the one who is light, the one who brings life, and the one who loves us all so deeply.  May you find peace in our Lord and may you be amazing to all you encounter,





PS Deena went to Heaven Sunday morning (I wrote about a half an hour before finding out).  She is dancing, rejoicing and loving all who went before her.  I am so glad for her and am excited to see her there later.

PPS Also, we did have a great thanksgiving.  Bobby can be a fun Uncle as you can imagine.  Below is more about that visit.

            Visiting my family is like entering a live art show.  The occupants are creative, fun loving and amazing.  We saw art, we were involved in drawing ourselves.  Adriel read a 70 page chapter book (still not done) written by my 9 year old niece!  She read out loud – it took a while.  We laughed, played, ate and enjoyed. 

            I had to cut my belly out of the pictures because I ate too much. 

            Seth and his cousin Braeden enjoyed playing VR games.  People were talking, bonding, enjoying.  It was so fun to be together – sad to depart. 

            I am blessed to have wonderful and amazing family.  I know, we moved away from them.  God called us pretty far away.  Yet we do come back and I am so glad we can see them!  And we will always remember my drawing of a fruit bad that was interpreted as grape on water.              So much love!  Cristy

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