Monday, December 6, 2021


Dear Family,


                Celebration of life reminds us that people will talk after we are gone.  What do you want people to say about you?  I want to be like Deena but I am not.  I hate cooking and don’t really like traveling.  I am like her that in that I do love people.  I think that is all that matters.  May you find funerals to be a good reminder that we also want God to say, “Well done good and faithful servant.” (Matthew 25:23).  May we obey God and do the good deeds he set up for us to do.  My deeds are different than yours because my personality has a different fit.  Isn’t it wonderful how unique we all are?

                I am so glad we figured out Bobby likes to cook.  He made Salisbury steak and Chicken Parmesan on different nights this week.  He has taken that responsibility on and I am very blessed. 

                Bobby is the type of person to jump out of bed at 3 AM when he hears a crash and runs out of the house without a coat or shoes to see what happened.  He did that twice Sunday morning!  Once when a lady spun and crashed – yup – big boom.  The second time when a car zoomed around the corner too fast crunched his car and kept on driving.  Lots of police chatter and tow truck noise.  I try to sleep through this stuff but Bobby is up and out.  Brrrrrrrr!  For some reason this also highlights personality types.  I think it’s funny that he is curious enough to leap forth with gusto.  Not me – I’ll find out about it later.  By the way – the fast turn guy had just botched an ATM robbery, ended up on foot near our neighborhood.  He was trying to hide in back yards.  The police and their dogs were out and about for sure.

                Bobby enjoyed winning at our game of Rabbits.  Although Roger at Multnomah Bible College (1993 name) started it, we continue to play.  Whoever says, “Rabbits” first at each beginning of the month wins.  Bobby had the youth group kids get me.  I enjoyed that immensely.

                A question came up randomly in the youth group.  “You guys remember the 6 Million Dollar Man?”  The answer came quickly as lightning, “Nope, we are not that old.”  Sigh.

                I enjoyed spending some out-of-the-house time with Bobby when we went to the church to help out with Upwards clean up.  Bobby was supposed to tell the coaches where stuff went.  BUT . . everyone was gone.  So Bobby just cleaned up.  Bobby also taught Seth how to mop up water. 

                I saw Seth on his hands and knees cleaning the gym.  I am impressed how he is willing to get down there. 

Seth has been teasing me about my Tens unit.  It does shock my muscles to help with the pain.  He said, “Sorry that hug was a little forceful.  Better electrocute yourself to fix it.”  I let him know, “I do every morning.”  Seth had to add, “The way God intended.”

                Seth registered for another term of college.  He is plugging away at his schooling and I like that he is furthering his education.  He also thanked me for making some food.  It is very nice to be appreciated.

                Adriel came by for a visit.  I enjoy seeing her very much.

                May you enjoy each and every person that steps into your life.  May you find joy knowing how loved you are.  May you do what God wants you to do so you can be like those in AWANA.  Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed.  Much love J



PS I have always loved this photo of Deena, Allison and Hal


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