Monday, December 27, 2021


 Dear Family,


            Preparation and timing are key.  Bobby started preparing for Christmas eve and Christmas dinner days before they happened.  God also prepared for our salvation and it took 30 years for Jesus to grow up, minister to people, and eventually die.  Goodness – what a plan.  Yet so many farmers, breeders, and entrepreneurs live with the end game in mind.  Some plans take a lifetime to achieve.  Do you have a long-term goal in mind?  Do I?

            Bobby made ham for Christmas eve, Turkey for Christmas, salad, potatoes, pies, etc.  Then he thanked me for all my hard work!  I wondered what in the world he was talking about and he had to clarify that I clean.  What a great husband I have.  He works hard and is thankful for everything. 

            Bobby and I had a nice date earlier in the week and enjoyed being together and eating Irish food.  I actually liked cabbage in a burger!  Bobby made potato onion soup earlier in the week.  He’s done cooking till next year. 

            We had family over on Christmas eve and I have to relive some fun conversation.  When Seth heard one person was allergic to cats yet had two he said, “That’s a great idea, whatever could go wrong?”  Later someone mentioned that they hated fishing but wouldn’t mind going along and reading a book next to the person fishing.  Seth said, “But that’s not fishing, it’s reading a book.”  I like Seth’s quick, sharp wit.

            Seth bought his friend a gift and was surprised at how much joy his friend felt.  When Adriel and Bobby heard of this they both exclaimed that he never buys us presents.  I also made him make an appointment with our financial advisor since he has money coming in but not going out.  Then Seth did give us Christmas gifts.  That was a first and it was very kind of him.

            Bobby did a great job Christmas shopping for our family.  This is now his job and not mine.  Yeah!

             Adriel came over for several visits and helped me with my hair.  She is so sweet.  Adriel didn’t mind an extended hug from Caren and I thought it was cute that she settled in for however long Caren wanted.  We all need a long hug sometimes.  Later, after a visit with the Duvals Adriel mentioned and I agreed that there is a warm feeling when with them – we really do feel part of their family.

            Bobby bought some Boba Fett art and put it in our guest room.  I didn’t notice it for two weeks so I guess it’s staying.  For some reason, I am tickled that he’s trying out passive-aggressive relating.  It’s my MO and seems to work the best.  I also taught baby Adriel to roll her eyes.  I know assertive is the most healthy way to relate but passive-aggressive is so much more entertaining.  Bobby insists he wasn’t being passive-aggressive but playful.

            I thanked the family for doing the dishes.  When they denied it I remembered that I had done it the night before.  Bobby laughed and said, “You weren’t even joking about thanking us.”  Ohh, foibles!

            May you delight in your own family's foibles.  We are not perfect but we are loved.  May your love stem from God’s overflowing and blessings.  May you rejoice in all that he is.  Much love,




PS, the Christmas service was beautiful and meaningful as ever.  This might be our last with Pastor Marcus so it is fun to capture the moment.

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