Monday, October 25, 2021


 Dear Family,

                This weekend Bobby went to a pastor’s retreat.  I am glad he is home safe and had an enjoyable time.

                During youth group, he asked “How can you honor God’s creation of animals and critters?  This brought up how they have and have not honored animals.  One person said, “I stepped on my dog’s tail by accident.  I deserve a painful, gruesome death for that.” 

                A new person at youth group said how excited they were and would definitely come back.  This warms Bobby’s heart and makes his day.

                Bobby made bean soup, painted the guest room and baseboards.  He’s doing a lot of work and I am blessed.  He is blessed that I have a job without any driving involved.  I am glad about this as well.  Yay!

                Seth has good grades and isn’t panicking about school as much.  That is good.  He also helped me with some computer work.  He was kind and explained to Adriel (over the phone) why a simple-sounding task was hard.

                I am thankful for CPR class.  A lot has changed since I took it last.  I do not ever want to be in a crisis situation but if I need to I am glad to have the knowledge on hand and a face shield on my key chain.

                Rain is a blessing even if it is cold and makes the day dreary.  I wonder if sometimes I don’t appreciate my blessings as much as I should.  Being thankful is an intentional act of looking at the positive.  I STILL have grapes.  I brought them to work since Church doesn’t have a farmers table up anymore.  May we all focus on the positive and choose to be glad for what we have.

                Happy Fall my loved ones J




PS the picture is of Bobby's beach breakfast.

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