Dear Family,
Focusing on the bright side really does change
everything. When we are thankful, we are
better people. Being thankful brings out
the best in others. Our focus determines
our future. This week I am thankful for a
family that is loving, comforting, and present.
Adriel actively listens. She is a blessing in that and her hugs are
kind. Adriel is excited to have moved up
within her job. She is now the receptionist
with more hours, pay, and benefits.
Adriel becomes very
excited when she receives clothes from people.
She had a trying-on party and was excited to share the bounty with a
friend. They can now look more
professional. This reminds me of Matthew
6:25-26 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about
your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear.
Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at
the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet
your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?”
God takes care of us.
I enjoyed going to the youth Group Glow
party. Bobby had black lights, 9 square,
glow sticks, and food. My favorite part
was a chance to listen to youth and take cool pictures.
Youth group was the next night and people still
The ice storm still lingers as 25% of Salem
Keizer teachers and staff don’t have internet access, power, or hot water. Seth can handle days off from school with no
problem. He is happy to have power.
So many people have said, “I am so glad we
pruned this tree or that one. I am so
glad we cut such and such a tree down.”
We have a tree that was cut down years ago and, yes, I am very glad it
is gone. It was leaning towards Adriel’s
window menacingly. What I got out of
this ice storm was, “If I don’t prune myself God will prune for me.” I want to cut back on things that don’t honor
God. If I don’t he might violently yank
them away with damages on all sides.
May you see what needs to be changed in your
life and change it. May you have wisdom
in all things. May you feel God’s joy
and peace in your heart as you remember that He will take care of you. Much love,
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