Monday, March 11, 2019

Another book!

Dear Family,

            Adriel was a blessing several ways this week.  Poor girl.  She had influenza and wanted me to take care of her.  I am blessed that I have sick days and can do this for her.  I took her to urgent care and Tamiflu really helped!  After two days she wanted out and about!  I told her if she wanted to be with friends she had to do a drawing and she did!
            Announcing the completion of a new book – well, I am still assembling it and it will take a while to get it published.  Drumroll . . . . Star’s Big Fight.  I am so excited!  Adriel draws one drawing a week so it will take five months for each book to be illustrated.  I have many books in me.  Books are provided by memory or my mother’s insistence that I hear how hard I was to raise.

            Seth was a blessing several ways this week.  I love hearing that he insisted on going to school even though he was sick because he doesn’t want to get behind on academics.  Talk about dedication!  What an amazing guy!  I am glad we could get him to the Doctor Monday and put antibiotics into his system.  He did have to sleep through Monday.
            I drove Seth home from school several days because he did have a cold and it was raining/snowing.  One of our talks was a blessing.  He mentioned that “The Green Mile is a better Christian book than that movie we just watched.”  He’s talking about, “The 10 Commandments.”  Oh boy, Stephen King is now a Christian Author because one of his characters heals people!?  I taught Seth the age-old beliefs my parents gave me.  The reason I wasn’t allowed to watch Smurfs and He-Man.  If power isn’t from God it’s from Satan.  There it is folks.  What my parents really meant (or what I actually did) is go watch those shows at the neighbor's house.  Not in our house.  Win, win – this got me out of the house – and I could enjoy amazing cartoons without judgment.  A cat that you can ride!  Oh yes, that’s so cool!  Seth is still rolling his eyes at my parents logic.
            I have moved my computer to a desk closer to Seth.  It’s wonderful being closer to him.  Close enough for him to ask, “Mom can you throw this away,” as he hands me garbage.  He read the look on my face.  “Mom, I’m only asking because there is a garbage can right next to you.  You don’t have to get up!  You know mom, I’m listening to a podcast about ‘Entitled parents.’”  Wow.  So I told him to mow the lawn and he did.  Entitled parents?  Entitled parents!!
            Seth drove me to camp Tapawingo this weekend!  We were on a rescue mission.  Bobby is now sick.  Bobby gave his message at a high school retreat then we brought him home for much-needed sleep.  Poor Bobby.  Please pray for him to get better.  I know he will because we have Codeine and that knocks him out for a couple of days.  Magic!
            Bobby did make several wonderful dinners before he was sick so that remains a blessing.  I love it that he cooks since my job is food related.  Yay for a husband that loves watching cooking shows and enjoys culinary delights.
            May you also enjoy the people God has put into your life.  May you love them, feel loved by them and help set them straight (if they are teens).  May you delight in the beauty of Nature around us and may you delight in those you see every day.  Hugs



  1. Your unique ability to highlight the best in those closest to you is a wonderful gift. Maybe the very best gift you are giving to your kids!
