Dear Family,
How delightful it is to review the week and find it was filled with peace. I seriously don’t need that much excitement. Actually having two days off work right after my Birthday was pretty exciting. I definitely enjoyed that.
Bobby cooked several meals this week and it’s always nice to have him home for a great evening dinner. Adriel came home from marching band practice Monday right as Bobby was putting food on the table. She was so happy to have food ready because she felt very hungry. Yay!
Bobby is making more Star Wars carnival games for the Harvest party at church. It’s fun to see him be creative and get excited about his job. The Harvest Party will be Star Wars again and everyone is truly happy about this.
Bobby made my Birthday special by having the kids sign a card and giving me some of my favorite chocolate. What a guy! We already celebrated with my parents a week before so it was nice to feel celebrated again.
We enjoyed a great first night of Home Group for the fall. Bobby lead singing and the lesson. It’s always a blessing when we meet and enjoy the company of others.
Bobby went to help the Marching Band at Grants Pass this weekend. Usually he just hangs out with the teens but he’s been getting to know parents this weekend as well and mentioned that he has met a bunch of nice people. That’s fun!
The first thing Seth does when he walks in the door from school is call the kittens. I love this. They are adorable, soft and happy to see us. Who could ask for more?
Seth brought the garbage out to the curb. I love it when he does the hard work J.
Seth mentioned that, “The yumminess of the meat drowns out the disgustingness of the veggies.” In a dish Bobby cooked. Sometimes it’s just not worth it to pick out all the veggies in a tasty blended dish.
The kids were happy that I made two pans of brownies the day before my Birthday. They enjoyed eating brownies and being reminded that I am getting older. I was able to bring one in to work the next day and it was sweet of my coworkers to sing to me.
Adriel can be very expressive and loud especially when she is gaming online with her friends. Bobby doesn’t like the quietness shattered and mentioned that maybe we could spray her with water. Although this is hilarious and my imagination had a hay day, I said, “No” because we all know Seth would have way too much fun.
Adriel and the marching band won again. They work so hard it usually does end up they win hands down, no contest.
May you find joy in the little things, peace in a roof over your head and contentment in the sound of a wonderful appliance working. Love and hugs J Cristy
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