Monday, October 8, 2018

10/8/18 Senior pictures

Dear Family,

I am so refreshed!  It is wonderful to be able to go on a Christian Woman’s retreat.  I was able to listen, talk, sing, hear inspiring messages, play games, laugh, cry, talk, listen and be heard.  I feel inspired to push on with the publishing of my book.  I feel lead to be responsible for my joy.  I have listened to a great speaker and have been inspired to focus on God first and ignore distractions.  Yay!
While I was away, Bobby taught Seth how to drive for an hour and cooked a dinner that I am sure was superb.  While I was home for the week, Bobby cooked several times and prayed a lot for me with friends and family.  I forgot my phone one day.  The day a coworker did not come to work and texted me that she was quitting.  Bobby was the one who got the text, so he prayed for us.  It was a hard day at work.  Their prayers were nice. 
Seth continues to work hard on his homework.  I love that he is learning to drive and he remains sweet especially when we don’t bug him.
Adriel continues to give hugs, love and even tells me her dreams.  We received many senior pictures, and she remains beautiful on an off camera.  I was able to complete her FASA and am very glad that ordeal is over. 
May you find respite when you can.  May you be able to choose joy and do self-care.  May you know how deep and how wide is the Love of God.  Hugs J


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