Monday, December 23, 2019


Dear Family,
            I was brought to tears when I realized the significance of Luke 2:17.  What a great sermon Pastor Marcus!  Thank you.  It struck me that the shepherds spread the news to people at the manger.  Mary was not using Facebook to announce she had just birthed the messiah.  Joseph was not shouting on the mountaintops the importance of this baby.  No.  They were keeping it quiet. 
            In came a rough, rowdy, stinky group of men.  Excited! (OH I’m crying again.)  These men were excited to let everyone know the significance of this baby.  Who cared that Mary and Joseph were not wealthy?  Who cared about the manger surroundings?  There was no banquet, no feast, not even snacks.  There was a baby, the innkeeper, probably a midwife packing up. 
            There were no, “It’s a Boy!” signs.  God did the advertising himself;  Angels filled the sky, praise songs, excited shepherds, the brightest star filled the sky, incredible joy.  Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them.  They slept, they did their day to day and then a year or two later they had to flee to Egypt. 
            That’s my God!  Perfect timing.  Amazing delivery.  Need to know basis.
            OK, on to the VanKleek week.  I enjoy walking with Bobby on Monday.  How fun to be in each other’s company.  After that exercise, Bobby went to get gravel.  The left side of our house now has gravel for the truck to park on.  Sorry Grape Hyacinth, Blue Bells and Iris in that spot.  That is no longer your bed, you are dead to us now.
            Bobby, Adriel, and friends enjoyed the new Star Wars Movie.  Bobby mentioned to Seth that people asked about him.  They wondered why Seth does not go to the movies.  (He does not like too much stimulus).  I asked if people inquired about me.  No, nope – they know I like going to bed early.  Well, OK then.
            Bobby and I had a fun date.  It was enjoyable noticing friends at the next table.  We had a great conversation.  How fun to see friends everywhere we go.
            Bobby thanked me for helping out at the Youth Group Gift exchange.  I see the funniest things – I laughed at UGM – there is actually Toothpaste called Kissable Cat!  It’s for felines!  Hahahahaha.  Notice it is not called White Elephant any more.  I am not allowed to buy hilarious items and save them for 12 months just so I can laugh again.  Now the purpose of Youth Group gifts is that they want to come back next year.  Ohhhhhh.  I’ll have to change my buying tactics. 

            At the party, Windows 8 came up.  In front of Seth, I said, “Windows 10 isn’t as good as Windows 8 when it comes to security.  I know that because of Seth.”  And I smiled, I felt so smart!  Seth said, “Privacy mom, not security.  You have it wrong.”  He looked at me with pity.  His deep voice said, “I’m not mad.  I’m just disappointed.”  And then he smiled. 
            Poor Adriel had a couple of sick days this week.  She wanted me to sit and look at Memes with her.  She also showed me a new dance form online.  I enjoy talking with her.  She is a wonderful woman.  I have known her for so long.  How fun to have a daughter who gives me hugs.  I am very glad she got better and seems to be feeling OK now. 
            The whole family is thankful I didn’t make them go to a photography studio for our Christmas letter picture.  It takes too much time and makes everyone grumpy.  So, in light of that.  Thanks, Chris for taking our Christmas family photo so I didn’t have to run back and forth with a timer.
            May you find joy this season as you remember baby Jesus and the true gift of His birth.  May you enjoy the people you see, the sights, sounds, and tastes of Christmas.

Much Love,


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