Dear Family,
has given us built in parents who love us from the start, air to breathe, water
to drink, food to eat and purpose. He
created us with purpose. We are so truly
week Youth group started up again and it was very good to experience regular
lessons, shorter games, and best of all, fun fill in the blanks. You may try and guess this one after reading Psalm
33:6,8. God is our C------, Our l----
should f--- and r----- God. (The right
answer will be at the bottom.) I enjoyed
Bobbys reaction when someone said, “Our lives should fail and reject God? Hahahahahaha.
has been very helpful this week pruning and gathering dirt that moles have
created. He has been loving and receives
hugs well. I am glad to see him whenever
I do.
continues to be vivacious and lovely. I
enjoyed lunch and some thrift store shopping with her. How fun that we both found something to
enjoy. I am glad for her perspective, love,
and delight in meeting.
you also delight in those you love. May
you find meaning in the conversations you have and may you choose kindness in
every interaction.
pray for us as our cat brought in one mouse a couple of weeks ago. We have been purging, rearranging, and stressing
over this unwelcome guest. Our cat does
nothing about it ☹. Pray that the
mouse runs out of the house and finds the great outdoors to be a better place
to live.
the right answers are: God is our creator.
Our lives should fear and revere God.
for your love and concern,
Cristy VanKleek
And thank you Julie Phillips for
the lovely picture at the most recent baby shower we attended 😊.
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