Monday, January 24, 2022

1/24/22 Covid

 Dear Family,


                This week started off quite nicely.  I had Monday and Tuesday off so that was a great time to rest from last week's overtime schedule.        

                Adriel came over Monday morning to sew curtains on my sewing machine while I covered library books for the church.  We had a wonderful time chatting as we worked on our projects.

                I wore my bright blue Rooted tee shirt and my bright red pants for bowling with the Junior High group.  Seth asked, “Are you going out like that?”  I smiled and said, “Yes, I am!”  He was chagrined and said, “It’s your funeral.”  This made me laugh and I responded, “Perfect, this is how I want to be dressed for my funeral.”  Seth’s final word, “It will be a closed casket.”

                Monday afternoon the youth group gathered for bowling.  We had fun even though Bobby ended up bowling for 4 people (including me) who lost interest in the game but were enjoying talking with each other.  (My back gave me pain so I was out.)  I enjoyed seeing how fast they could throw the ball.  I think the fastest from our group was 19.1 miles an hour.

                Bobby is excited about his new board game.  I was very glad the first night we tried it he let us quit midway.  My brain felt like it was going to explode. 

                Monday after bowling I received my 3rd COVID shot and a flu shot.  Tuesday I rested from the horrible achy muscles.  I did go to youth group that night even though I felt horrible simply because I always go, the symptoms from the shots are just that – symptoms from the shots.  And Bobby is short-handed with Rich being gone.

                I went to work Wednesday even though I wasn’t 100% and Youth Group that night as well.  But . . I felt chills and left early because I wasn’t feeling right.  Thursday morning I had a fever!  I was getting worse after the shots, not better.  I was so tired I decided to take a day off, get tested, and put my fears to rest.

                My fear became reality.  I tested positive for Covid 2 days after I got the booster shot.  Ugh!  Bobby came home.  Seth stayed home.  We are now quarantined. 

                I am thankful for so many people who offered to do a grocery store run.  To most, I answered, “No need.”  But to several, I asked for one thing.  Church family, you are so generous!  The love we feel when one thing turns into about 8 of the same thing or Chicken noodle soup turns into 10 cups, crackers, and apples.  Awwww!  Thank you!!  We feel very loved.

                Bobby and Seth have to stay home and deal with the boredom while I sleep through this whole quarantine.  They also have the impending doom of, “Will I get it.”  Thank you for praying for our healing.  So far this is just a horrible cold and nothing serious.  Thank you for your care, your prayers, and your love.  Bobby and Seth are now stuffy, coughing and have chills.  They went to get tested Sunday and the results will come by e-mail in a couple days.  Please pray for them.

                May God bless you and keep you.  May His face shine upon you.  May you feel his care, love, and compassion.  May you know that in all things, sickness and in health you are loved, treasured, and cared for.

                Much love,






Yummy Chicken noodle soup!


  1. So sorry that you are having to deal with this.....I know you are taking care of one another.....Sending LOVE !

    1. Thank you!! Bobby and I are well enough to go to work now :-).
