Dear Family,
Change is as common as the
seasons. God has built change into our
lives so we might adapt and grow. As we
anticipate pastor Marcus moving up we feel loss and discomfort. The future is uncertain and that is OK. Because God is in control we know His will
includes good. We also know that His
kingdom will advance and we will enjoy all end results.
Seth received a phone call one
evening to put laundry into the dryer.
This intrigued us. Why would
Adriel call Seth? Well, we figured out,
this is because she knows he will be home.
I like that he is willing to help her out.
Seth wrote a kind text to pastor
Marcus and Bobby let Adriel and I know. Adriel
and I reminisced how Seth’s writings may be few but they are always
powerful. We cry because we are
touched. Adriel then said I don’t keep
anything from their childhood and I pointed out Seth’s poem hung on the
wall. That poem did make me cry. Then I brought out coupons from Adriel that I
will use in the future. She exclaimed
they had expired but when we looked closely there is no expiration date. I did throw away the one about cleaning her
room. That’s her business now.
Adriel started a new job on the
first week of the year and enjoys more responsibility in her new law firm. She also has a star wars fan in the office
that she will relate to simply because Bobby is such a collector.
Bobby took down the tree,
ornaments, and inside lights from Christmas.
I am so glad for his initiative!
If I had known waiting till after the New Year brought this I would have
done it more often. Bobby also cooked
tacos and brought the garbage cans in this week. I am blessed by all he does.
The youth group brought some
fun. One teen asked, “I wonder what it
would taste like if you mixed diet Dr. Pepper and rock star”. The quick
answer, “Diabetes.” The teens are
also figuring out what words are appropriate to use when they are angry. I mentioned that a friend would shout, “Bad
word,” when she was angry and this was taken up quite joyfully. So, if you hear someone shout, “Bad word!”
now you know they are being clean and kind.
During the lesson, a teen was trying to find a chapter in the
Bible. She was frustrated and said, “I
can’t find psalm 119 mine goes only to 150.” When I mentioned 119 was smaller than 150
Bobby piped in with, “And that’s why you are still in school.” I definitely enjoy the funny things youth say
but even more I love that we are a praying church. The youth mentioned praying for our new to come
pastor and the whole transition. Those
are good and powerful prayers.
Please pray with us that God
brings the right person for the job and prepares him well.
May God also bless you as change
happens and you grow, stretch and become more like Him. Much Love J
Beautiful Poem from a loving son - you are truly blessed!