Monday, December 30, 2024


 Dear Family,

               I am blessed that Bobby has the sense to give me space when I am stressed.  I was able to get presents ready in time for Christmas and that was a huge undertaking.  Yay!

               Leftovers can be so amazing.  I’m glad for a good time and I am also thrilled that the great food can make the party linger – for days.  Bobby cooked an amazing meal for his family on the Saturday before Christmas and then he made tasty Salmon bisque on Christmas day. 

               The Christmas Eve service was meaningful as usual.  I am so blessed to gather with people and sing God’s praises. 

Adriel wasn’t feeling well so we had a quiet Christmas day at home.  I enjoyed spending time with her very much.  She brings joy wherever she goes even if she isn’t feeling well. 

My mom is proud and not so scared anymore.  Now I have bright bicycle lights that make me visible.  Merry Christmas to me!  Thank you family for making that possible.  I have to giggle at the exclamations of people as I zoom by.  It’s dark and boy do they see me.

               May you also stay safe, love God with all your heart, and find joy in the calm before New Year's.  Love and hugs,




Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Merry Christmas 2024


Merry Christmas!


I enjoy looking back on the year and am so excited to share our lives with you.  Here is a breakdown of what is the same in our lives and what is different.  Bobby is still a youth pastor at West Hills Community Church – We are going on 18 years.  Adriel our daughter is still in Portland, doing school and now she has two jobs.  Seth is still home, working on college, and has been the church custodian for around 3/4 years.  I let go of my fun Fred Meyer job and took on an even better job with the Oregon Department of Employment.  I enjoy helping others and now I am helpful without my body hurting as much.  Yay! 

               My favorite part of the Christmas letter is finding funny things that happened in the year so here goes for 2024:

               I enjoy having Adriel drive.  She asked if I liked her driving because she didn’t tell me how to drive.  Yes, I do like that there is no backseat driving but the biggest reason I like that she drives is that when things get scary, I want to close my eyes and relax.  I can’t do that as well when I’m the one driving.

               In January, my car was stuck in the snow overnight. Bobby and Seth helped me get it unstuck, and I was so thankful! I then drove to work at Freddie's. When I arrived safely, I texted a thank you. Seth’s response was fabulous: “Good luck getting back.”  I love him so much!

               One night, Seth was loud around 11 PM while I was trying to sleep. He was playing VR with friends and chatting. When I told Seth the next day, he said, “You didn’t say anything.”  When I mentioned, “I told you about 10 times in my head to be quieter because I was trying to sleep, " he said, “Do you understand how that might not have worked?”

               Adriel mentioned she was trying to gather friends together to play paintball.  When I was balking (like they were) she said, “Mom, these are people who throw themselves at cement for fun.”  That is an interesting definition of skateboarding.  I love her words.

               Seth continues to do his job well and someone told me how helpful he was.  When I passed the compliment on to him, he said, “Well, it’s my job to be helpful.”  So, there you have it. 

               For Adriel’s birthday, we had a great breakfast at Jam on Hawthorn and enjoyed seeing Seth eat pepper intentionally for the first time.  This was a gift from Adriel who demonstrated adding salt and pepper to his hashbrowns.  He loved it.  Her comment, “You need to get out more!”

               Seth picked me up after church one Sunday and I had forgotten that he drives a smaller blue car.  I was excited to get into the cute car and then looked over.  I mentioned how neat his car is and how super fly he looks with his glasses on.  Then I complimented him on his music and said, “I feel like I got picked up by the cool kid.”  I was rewarded with a shy smile.  He’s fun to be with, my son.

Seth saw us watching an older movie and looked it up, “1986, this movie was made in 1986?  Was it colorized?”  We both insisted that movies made in 1986 didn’t come in black and white.  Bobby’s comment, “Nothing says you are old unless your child asks if they had color TV back then.” 

               Bobby said, “I saw some people hunting mushrooms.”  This was confusing so I asked, “How would they be hunting mushrooms?”  Bobby said, “Well, not with guns.”

               This year had hardships, laughter, tears, and change for the better.  The pain of plantar fasciitis brought me to a better job where I now work full time.  Seth transferred his community college credits to a larger college and both kids are working hard towards graduation.  Yay, God!!  He is the one who has held us together through thick and thin.  God is our sustainer, creator, and giver of grace so we can give grace and forgiveness to those who hurt us.  May you find joy in the beauty of nature, strength through your hard times, and love for everyone you encounter.




Cristy VanKleek for the four of us, Bobby, Adriel, Seth, and Cristy

Monday, December 23, 2024


 Dear Family, 


               What a fun season.  Parties, celebration, joy, and lights – More Lights!  Someone pulled their car over to tell me my bicycle light wasn’t that bright.  “You are not that visible.”  Yikes.  Thankfully Northwest Hub has lights to buy and I prioritized that the next day.

               At home, I enjoyed Bobby’s cooking.  My biggest delight isn’t just how amazing it tastes but that he used something from the freezer.  Yay!  I like that our freezer food isn’t going to sit there forever.

               Our cat continues to bug Bobby, and she loves him more than me. This is disturbing to both of us, but Bobby gives her rough attention, while I am more gentle. Bobby even said, “I’m going to pet her till she gives me three wishes.”  That did not work, but it was delightful to hear. She’s a very silly cat.

               Wednesday night was a blast.  We had over 50 youths gather for fun, games, and hilarity.  The gift exchange with stealing went wonderful.  Seth did observe some while performing his custodial duties.  He said the only present he thought was good was a weighted vest.  It was 40 lbs and brought home by an 80 lb person.  That young man enjoys play fighting in it and feels like it makes him brother-proof.  Another gift was a small frying pan with cookie mix.  Several high school boys were laughing and I had to ask what was going on.  When they said, “We are hitting each other with the frying pan” I couldn’t reprimand them.  I just laughed because that’s ridiculously hilarious.

               Saturday, we celebrated Christmas with the VanKleek’s.  Bobbys Dad and Sandy, Bobby’s Mom and sister Caren joined us with Adriel to enjoy an amazing meal and enjoy each other's company.  I delighted in the camaraderie and was very glad to get pictures! 

               My favorite part of our visit was when it got a bit quiet.  Seth said, “Aunty Caren, I remember you wanted to experience VR and I have some roller coaster rides you might enjoy.”  Oh wow.  I was her seat belt and she is very expressive.  I am glad we held her in because she was so expressive I believe she might have fallen out of her chair during the second roller coaster ride (while Bobby was holding her in).  We all vicariously enjoyed her exclamations, joy, and surprise when things came at her.  She said, “That was fun!” and it was fun for us to watch.

               Bobby did preach on Sunday.  It is good he can fill the pulpit with notice.  Pastor Ed’s mom went to heaven with Jesus Friday evening.  It was good to see the Willis family at church but totally understandable that preaching would have been too much.  I am so glad Bobby does a good job preaching.  That is so nice.

               I enjoyed seeing Adriel.  Her infectious smile, wonderful hug, great driving skills, and sweetness are always appreciated.  I am so glad she is part of our family.

               May you also be glad for each person who is part of your family.  May you rejoice in gathering, delight in your interactions and have patience with those who are harder to get along with.

Much love,




Monday, December 16, 2024


 Dear Family,  


               I didn’t know how bad my focus was.  Then we brought middle schoolers caroling.  This filled my heart so full I teared up.  They have so much life and vitality.  I can’t describe the joy their voices brought to so many people.  I’m crying right now remembering.  My chagrin this year has been that I have one day off for Christmas.  One . . . day . . . off. . . Wednesday.  I like working – I really do – I'm just used to three weeks off with the school schedule so I feel like life is a little pinched and I’m skimping on decorations, preparations, and the like.  I am so glad for the planned events I get to attend that bring Christmas into my heart.  Our youth were so excited to sing and so sweet.  I can’t describe how wonderful they are.

               Wednesday night youth group had such wonderful fellowship.  This group was excited to tell their stories on the bus.  We heard how their lives were going, I enjoyed chatting with one friend who told me of her past relationships and her relationship with God.  At one stop we got off the bus but no one walked because we gathered around someone who announced they were going to tell the story about how their grandma killed their grandpa!  Bobby was like, “What!?  That’s not Christmasy at aaaaall!  Let’s not talk about that now.” 

               I have desperately desired sleep so much this week.  I am glad we have a warm roof, a cozy bed, and a sweet cat who snores with cute little sounds.  Yes, preparations are happening.  And sooo yes, God is amazing.  May you find joy even in the business my friend.  May your excitement about celebrating Jesus’ birth be brought forth in the lights, smells, and delights of our souls.  Much love,





Sunday, December 8, 2024

2024 Youth group hijinks.

 Dear Family,


               As preparation for creating this year's Christmas letter, I looked through the entire year and brought out the best of the best funnies.  These will not go in the Christmas letter (because they are about youth group not family) but I love them anyway:

A fun joke in the High School group was when Bobby brought out some marshmallows that were in the shape of Bunnies, Chicks, or Eggs.  One student yelled out, “Chicks, I love chicks!” 

Sometimes random answers are the best.  When someone tried to answer a blank with, “Hellish” for "We live in a H----- world".  Someone else had to mention, “It’s because he’s public schooled.” 

A youth had a bloody nose.  As he walked to the bathroom he said, “I’m going to make it look like a horror movie in there.”  (Thank goodness he did not do that.)

We were talking about Jonah and Bobby mentioned he was in the whale someone said, “Like an air B & B!”  Another person had to pipe in with, “Not a four-star one though.”

When Bobby announced there would be a Root Beer float night this summer the crowd said, “Ohhhhh,” loud enough that Bobby had to laugh and say, “This youth group even comes with its own sound effects.” 

            When a lesson plan was almost over Bobby did mention he had a “Fun surprise tonight.”  A student next to me asked,” Can we draw on my sister?”

            Someone mentioned Bobby should buy that Ferrari he wanted and another student had to chip in with, “A Ferrari is too low budget for me.  I must ride in a helicopter.”

Tuesday night at Middle School group I laughed when Bobby told the story of David and Bathsheba.  Bobby asked if anyone knew Bathsheba’s husband’s name.  The answer came as a question, “Uterus?”  Uriah does start with a U.  Later, Bobby was trying to say that even someone who was a man after God’s own heart could make mistakes.  Bobby asked, “What was David known as?”  Someone said, “A pervert.” 

            Bobby mentioned, “If I started keying my name into xxxxxx’s car... “ This was stopped by, “I do have pepper spray you know.”  The student went on, “And a baton, my dad is an ex-cop.”  After such mentions of more ways the student wouldn’t mind stopping Bobby’s harassment, Bobby decided he would stay far away from this student and his vehicles.

            I mentioned at youth group that if you want to make Bobby mad just throw a cat at him and watch him get scratched.  The person next to me gave me a knowing look and said, “Duly noted” very seriously. 

            One night even though the High school group was full, Bobby was not satisfied.  He said, “You know what this youth group needs.  Girls.  You guys need to invite more girls!  Xxx what’s your excuse?”  The young man in question smiled and said, “I like trains.”

            During one of the youth group lessons, Bobby was talking about God’s love and faithfulness.  He mentioned that God’s love isn’t permissive and talked about how Bobby used to steal things (but doesn’t anymore).  A youth asked, “Did you steal my training wheels because those have been gone a long time?”  I had to mention, “It was the training wheel fairy.”

            One prayer time we had a fun handwriting blunder.  Someone prayed for their friends Barbarian Solo.  I was wondering if this was a dance or song.  Come to find out it was a Baritone solo.  That makes more sense.

            1 Corinthians 13 may be read at weddings a lot but it was written for the church.  When Bobby came to “Not Envious” he mentioned that if Troy's dad got a new van Bobby might be a little envious.  One student blurted, “How would you feel if it suddenly blew up?”  Another laughed with chagrin.  “What are you planning?!”

Sunday School was almost over with our middle and high school students.  We heard some noise and saw a three-year-old and her dad enter.  She said, “Pastor Bobby, I have a present for you!”  Bobby accepted the small stuffed animal from her and asked, “Where did you get it?”  She said, “I got it from your office.” 

While talking about fear Bobby mentioned one of his scary moments was watching Rich’s van full of youth do a double spin in snowy/icy weather in front of him.  He could only get out, “Oh Rich!”  A youth asked, “Did he die?”  Rich was like, “What?”  Bobby said, “Yes, that’s his ghost – everyone should poke him to see if he’s alive.”  This was met with a Rich, “Noooooo, that’s OK.”

One lesson was about being blessed.  We heard about how the world’s view of being blessed is happiness.  One example would be having cash. Bobby said, “Let us see your Wallet, Rich because I know you are blessed.”  A youth chimed in with, “Yeah, for totally non-suspicious reasons.” 

            Weren’t those fun?!  I am not feeling 100% right now but even when we are under the weather there is so much to be thankful for!  I am thankful for doctors, specialists, health professionals, pharmacists, researchers, and the ultimate healer God. 

               This week I didn’t feel 100% so I didn’t go to the Middle School group.  I am thankful Julie did and that we have enough leaders.  I felt a little better the next day so I joined the high school group.  We decorated ornaments and I had a fun nostalgic moment when one youth decorated theirs like a deranged bunny.  It reminded me of what Adriel used to do.  I delight in those interesting memories.               I visited my new podiatrist. He said my heel bone spur is nothing.  I have plantar fasciitis.  We now have a treatment plan and I have hope.  Yeah! 

               Bobby cooked several meals and I enjoyed spending time with him in the evenings. 

                May you also enjoy the quiet stillness of the night and the joy of drifting off to a peaceful night of sleep.


Much love, Cristy

Monday, December 2, 2024


 Dear Family,


               Aren’t holidays fun?  I am so grateful that our family gathered, enjoyed each other’s company, and were excited to interact with each other.  I even stayed awake late into Wednesday night as Bobby drove us into the Seattle area just because I enjoyed listening to Adriel and Bobby talk. 

               Several favorite interactions: When Aunt Sue came over, she looked at Adriel and Braeden with surprise because for a second there she thought they were Anita and Doug.  The grand-girls raided my dad’s closet to wear his big bold America shirts and dance in them.  That was delightful and hilarious. Talking with Adriel about the job she loves at the skate park because those relationships are special to her – but then – when she mentioned sometimes, she has to tell them, “I’m working, I can’t answer you now.”  And when I related that to how Bobby sometimes couldn’t be a dad at church because he was working.  Adriel took that in and said, “Yeah, that makes sense how I might have a bad taste for church in general.”  I liked the epiphany of it.  (Not the fact of how pastors kids sometimes feel.)  Talking with Doug about how life is for him.  It was special to see him.  Laughing with family while playing a game.  Amazing food, mom’s stuffing and cranberry Jello.  I also will always have this beautiful picture in my head of a man on a loud scooter with a trailer trailing behind and a cat riding his shoulders.  Wow – that cat.  I always loved the idea of a small cat riding on my shoulder.  Portland is a lovely city and has the most interesting people in it.

               Because we cannot force him to join us, Seth stayed home to do homework and watch Skyra (the cat).  He was missed but staying home allowed Seth to do his homework and remove a lot of stress.  Such is life.  I was surprised he didn’t go visit a loving family that invited him several times to their place.  I said, “I’m surprised you didn’t go for the free food.”  His response was, “There is free food here.”  Sigh, we might be enabling him.  Bobby cooked extra food just so Seth wouldn’t starve.   

               I am also blessed by safe, uneventful drives with not too much traffic.  Bobby is a great driver, and I enjoy sleeping.  I did enjoy having Adriel sit in the front and I am still pretty amazed that they talked both ways, nonstop.  They have a lot to say.  I love it.  I joined in a bit but enjoyed relaxing more than anything.

               May you also enjoy the company of those you love.  May you find strength in God’s power working through you to do His will.  May you enjoy the family he has given you.


Much love, Cristy

Sunday, November 24, 2024


 Dear Family,


               I am so thankful for the feeling we get when we decide to focus on being thankful.  We don’t have to keep gratitude to ourselves.  When we are thankful for each other we share those good feelings, and it is fun to spread cheer.  I enjoy writing kind notes, giving and receiving smiles, sending verses to people and having responses back! 

               Adriel is so sweet.  Sometimes she just says, “I love you!” When I give her a verse.  How kind of her.  She is gracious, thoughtful and a blessing to me.  When I asked her, “Has anything made you laugh today?”  She answered that my text at 4:30 AM asking that question made her laugh  . . . because she had just woken up.

               Bobby cooked several meals this week and one was so good I wish it wasn’t gone so fast.  Such is life.  I have other food but that beef and noodles dish was amazing.

               Bobby decided to do a Friendsgiving event which made Adriel very jealous.  I believe her favorite food is ice cream and this event featured the youth group providing ice cream.  The students brought toppings and Bobby’s favorite topping was Traeger meat rub.  He proceeded to pour some on his hand and say, “I can eat this by itself.”  That was interesting.  Then, yes, he did put it on ice cream and eat that.  Blegh!

               Middle school group had a bigger turn out than usual because friends invited friends.  They said, “We are multiplying.”  That was fun. At the end of youth group Bobby handed out cards for people to write to someone they are thankful for.  One person asked, “Can I write it for my cat?”  Bobby said, “Only people who know English!” then added, “Or Spanish,” because we know several families are fluent in Spanish.  How fun.  But cat – I guess not.  This reminded me of a report my sister made in grade school, “I love Jesus and my cat does to.”

               The High School group had so many girls (They all came and even invited a friend).  I had to comment, “Ohhh, we have more girls than boys tonight!”  A young man replied, “Well, you know what they say, ‘Quality over quantity.’” We both paused a beat with some eye contact and then I smiled.  “That was awesome!”  I gave him a high five because I like his attitude.  Both genders are fabulous.

               I did have to tell a youth she is too hard to play with on Duolingo.  I was talking with her friend and we were like – it’s not fun when she beats us so bad.  Sigh – I’m not smarter than that High Schooler – that’s for sure.  She really is quite amazing.

               Having a date night sure is fun.  I enjoy spending time with Bobby, eating good food and simply being.  We enjoyed some shopping together and that was fun as well.  Christmas is coming!

               May you enjoy the beauty of our surroundings as Gods is pouring liquid sunshine everywhere.  May your heart be full of His peace and may you be excited about the ability to give.


Much love,




PS the picture is one of a weed BUT did you know it has Christmas connotations - it might have been fed to reindeer and then - well - if you want to read the WEIRDEST story ever:


Sunday, November 17, 2024


 Dear family,  

               I appreciate your love, hugs, and responses.  You are the reason I still write.  Right?  Feeling heard is precious, so thank you.

               I must admit, I felt overwhelmed early this week and I am thankful Seth was there to hold me while I cried and Bobby prayed with me when I didn’t feel I had the resources to deal with things that were coming at me.  Sometimes life gets overwhelming!  I am thankful for people who are praying for us and that is you.  Thank you.  Seth also said he would pray and I am thankful for that.  So in light of all those feelings and more, I am now only working one job.  It was fun to think I could do it all, but I don’t have that much energy in me.  Drat, I’m close to 50 years old.  Oh well.

               Tuesday evening, Middle school group was fun.  One person had been asking for a free t-shirt for a while so Bobby brought him back one from camp.  While the young man was holding it Bobby had to mention that the shirt had been on the ground in the bathroom, wet.  This kind of brought an ick feeling in all of us.  The youth asked, “You washed it right?”  I know Bobby isn’t a horrible person so I knew Bobby did but he had to laugh and tease a little before he mentioned that yes.  He washed it.  Bobby did have to mention that Rich picked up the shirt at camp when it was still wet from the bathroom and asked, “Why is this wet?”  When Bobby mentioned its origins Rich was like, “Why am I holding this?”  Humor sometimes has a sick-to-your-gut feeling with it.

               Later in the gym, Bobby had everyone use their left hand to hit wiffle balls.  One person pushed their left arm inside their shirt to use their right.  Bobby had to mention. “If you don’t have a left arm, you aren’t playing the game.”  The cheater immediately grew an arm.  Amazing!

               I am enjoying decorating my desk space and bought a 5 ft teddy bear.  The bear was too big to bring on a bicycle in the rain.  Wednesday, I asked Bobby to bring it for me and he did.  I enjoyed having him see my cubicle and meet my coworkers.  It was fun to show him off.

               High school group also had good times.  I wasn’t fast enough to write them down though.  How sad.  I enjoy laughing and want to share with you but if I don’t write things down immediately, they are gone. 

               I was so glad to rest on Thursday and Friday evening.  I needed time to recuperate from too many feelings and just too much life coming at me.  I feel much better now.  Bobby did cook those nights and I am so blessed that he loves to make yummy food! 

               May you also delight when others put forth effort for you.  May you enjoy God’s love, presence, and beauty that surrounds us.  Hugs,


Monday, November 11, 2024


 Dear Family,


I am so glad every time I bicycle to work.  Sometimes the view is so stunning I have to stop and take a picture.  I included one 😊.  I am also so glad that the person who won our election won fair and square.  I don’t like it when democracy is in question.  So, yay for that.

Bobby cooked potatoes, onions, and sausage scramble on Monday, and I think he and Seth enjoyed it.  I was more interested in my enchiladas and salads, so I ate them.  Cereal also gives me great joy.  I’m not as much into meat and potatoes. 

Tuesday night youth group was energetic, filled with laughter, amazing people and joy.  Definitely joy.  Bobby’s next at home event for the middle schoolers is a Friendsgiving.  It will include ice cream.  The youth group asked if there would be turkey flavored ice cream.  Bobby said if he could find some, he would bring it.  My internet search came up with only Turkish ice cream.  I wonder if that will count.

The lesson was about being blessed.  We heard about how the worlds’ view of being blessed is happiness.  One example would be having cash. Bobby said, “Let us see your Wallet, Rich, because I know you are blessed.”  A youth chimed in with, “Yea, for totally non-suspicious reasons.”  I love how quick witted our youth are.

Wednesday night I enjoyed so many great conversations.  Our youth have amazing personalities, and I enjoy them.  During the lesson time Bobby mentioned somehow that when we were younger, I wanted a clock for my Birthday.  I also said, if he didn’t get me a clock I would cry.  It was that big of a deal to me.  Bobby on the other hand said if anyone ever got him a clock for his birthday he would cry.  This brought a consensus that people now want to get him a clock for his Birthday (lots of silly smiles abounded).  He was trying to talk about how material blessings don’t last.  One of his favorite gifts was a nice warm coat.  Two days after he bought it (and he uncapped a pen to illustrate) he marked the coat with a sharpie, and it was no longer new (he pretended to mark his shirt).  I had to interject with, “Oh no, you did it again!”  This brought some reaction as Bobby looked at his shirt.  Yay, just kidding, he didn’t mark any clothes.

Thursday Bobby made an amazing broccoli, stuffing, chicken and cheese casserole.  It was so yummy!  I like that he took time to be home and prepare food for us even though he lead a retreat last weekend.  That was very kind!

Adriel and I are planning on spending some time Monday with each other.  We enjoy thrift store shopping and Adriel said, “I’m glad that’s a thing we like doing together.”  I had to mention that we have enjoyed thrift store shopping together even when she was two years old, holding a doll with no head, walking around saying, “Poor baby, poor, poor baby,” as several other shoppers and I giggled. 

I am glad for Seth’s constant presence.  He is available to open the door when repair people come over.  I like that.  He helps me feel safe when we are home together. 

May you also enjoy those you live with.  May you find joy in the life God has given you and the time you still have on this earth.  Much love,





Monday, November 4, 2024


 Dear Family,

               I am thankful for warm tea in the morning, great conversations, when my cat crawls into my lap, the Union Gospel Mission Thrift store, God’s protection, rain gear, and Bobby’s amazing cooking.  I enjoyed his chicken and dumplings on Monday.  He also made wings for him and Seth.  They enjoyed those.  He also made salmon bisque on Friday, and it is still amazing!

               I also am so grateful when Bobby is home because then I take time to relax.  Without him I have so many projects I want to do!

Tuesday night’s youth group was so full of fun.  When Bobby asked if people would be willing to help with the candy fest on Halloween night.  One person said, “Will you accept maybes?”  And when Bobby said, “Yes” my problem was that I heard “babies” so I had to interject with, “What?!”  When Bobby figured out what I thought he said he laughed and said, “Yes, we’ll be giving out Babies at the harvest party.  One for you and one for you.”  Along with giving motions that looked a little like Mufasa in the lion King.  Oh dear.

When Bobby was trying to help people be less loud he said . . “But what I do want . . . .“ and there was just enough pause for someone else to say, “is Cristy”.  This made me laugh but I don’t think anyone else heard it so – that was good.

While talking about fear Bobby mentioned one of his scary moments was watching Rich’s van full of youth do a double spin in snowy/icy weather in front of him.  He could only get out, “Oh Rich!”  A youth asked, “Did he die?”  Rich was like, “What?”  Bobby said, “Yes, that’s his ghost – everyone should poke him to see if he’s alive.”  This was met with a Rich, “Noooooo, that’s OK.”

High school group had warm welcomes, light banter and sweet hugs.  Even in the horrible weather it’s worth getting out of the house to be there.  I enjoyed one person’s story of their childhood fear.  They said, “My closet.”  And when we said, “Oh what’s in it?”  Their response was this interesting story.  Their closet was loud and creaky, but they enjoyed playing with it.  A sibling warned them (they were about 8 years old) that the door was going to fight back!  This young person ignored their sibling then had a vivid, horrible dream about the door.  After that dream every time they moved the closet door they said, “Sorry closet.”  I love the honesty, surprise and ingenuity of our fears. 

Someone else mentioned being scared of octopuses when they were little.  This made us joke about one youth who liked to give three armed hugs (adding a leg).  I say liked because that wasn’t appropriate, and we had to explain that’s not how we do hugs as a youth group.  (See the book, “Stuff Christians like” by John Acuff.  The cover has, “Side Hugs,” right on it.)

In the lesson Bobby was talking about yielding to God.  There was a picture of a yield sign with, “Yield to God” inside of it.  When asking our High Schoolers, (some of them drive!) the definition of yield there were mixed results.  One person stated that it’s like a stop sign but not as much.  Bobby came up with, “It’s not a ‘Diet stop sign.’” 

The harvest party was so full!  I enjoyed little people and whole families in such creative costumes.  How fun to see new faces in our church gym.  How exciting to see little ones in such a new situation.  Many toddlers did not know what was going on and that was OK.  It was a celebration, and I enjoyed handing out candy, smiling, pictures and good plain old fun.

Adriel had an incident with a stranger on the street.  She used words, strength, and even a threat with the skateboard in her hand.  She learned something new about herself.  She’s a fighter.  She was left shaken, angry and thankful that nothing serious happened.  Adriel and I are both so glad Angels were protecting her. 

Adriel planned a party for her work, and it went well.  How fun.  I am glad she enjoys her job.  I knew she would do amazing.  She has a heritage of fun in her life, and she made carnivals for the neighborhood kids when she was young.

Seth enjoyed Bobby’s cooking, and this gives Bobby great delight.  Seth looked sad when Bobby told him only one Salmon Bisque a day for leftovers.  Bobby was happy.

I delight in my bicycle rides to work and back.  I am so grateful that my body works!  I revel in the beautiful scenery, and I am super excited when our gas bill is $77 out of the budgeted $200.  Amazing!  I have had to contemplate rain gear and how that all works because coming to work soaked is uncomfortable.  No one else is concerned but I don’t like the feeling. Therefore, I bought two rain boots and two rain jackets at the Union Gospel mission store this weekend for under $16!  Wow!  That is very exciting to me.  I Love a great deal.

May you also enjoy thrifting, the beauty of your surroundings and all the people you encounter.  Much love,





Sunday, October 27, 2024


 Dear family,


I am glad Bobby and I took time to be together on Monday.  We had a nice time at Pho Keizer and talked about our separate weekends and how they went.  I thought he was talking about leaving Church that morning after work when he said, “I saw some people hunting mushrooms.”  This seemed confusing to me (I don’t think our church grounds have anything extra growing).  I asked, “How would they be hunting mushrooms?”  Bobby became a little confused as well, “Well, not with guns.”  Was his response.  Then we figured out he was talking about near lake Pamelia where he had gone hiking with some buddies.  That made more sense.

          Middle school group was fun and good.  During the lesson Bobby mentioned how self-conscious he was in middle school if dressed in the dark and accidentally had mismatched socks.  He needed to mention that this was before it was cool to mismatch socks.  Someone piped in with, “Back in the ooooold days.”

          High school group had warm greetings, lovely faces and friendly smiles.  I enjoy our youth.  During the lesson Bobby introduced a new Greek word.  εὐαγγέλιον is a pretty cool word.  It means good news or the gospel.  I recognized it immediately.  I mentioned publicly that I had taken Greek for two years.  Bobby shot back, “It was two semesters.”  My immediate external processing thought was, “Oh, it felt like years.”  And that is how long it took Bobby to convince me it would be way more fun to be his wife than be a missionary in Africa translating the Bible.

          One of my favorite things about Bobby is his cooking.  It’s so good!  His effort fills our bellies, gives us satisfaction, warmth and joy.  I am very blessed that Bobby cooks.  He made stir fried rice with veggies and shepherds pie this week.  Both were amazing.

          While Bobby was gone again this weekend I had time to replant some gladiolas Adriel had given me.  It is amazing how much they have reproduced in two years.  How fun.  We will have a LOT more flowers in the years to come.  Adriel said their roots look pretty so that is our picture for today.

          I have enjoyed conversations with Adriel.  She is teaching young people how to skate board and enjoys giving lessons very much.  I am glad she does get to be a teacher.  This is something she wanted to do pre-covid.  And how fun that it’s skateboarding.  She has a lot of wisdom and is willing to give it to those around her.

          May you find beauty in God’s handiwork.  As He continues to shape, mold and reproduce in you may you enjoy what He is doing.  As He prunes may you be graceful with the pain and radiate His love even when it hurts.

          Much love,




Monday, October 21, 2024


 Dear Family,


I was delighted to read that one of our sponsor children was happy.  He received a sheep from us a while back and it was grown up and pregnant.  He has decided to name the lamb Bobby in my husband's honor and that is fabulous.  Bobby really hopes the lamb is a boy.

               Middle school group was full, and fun.  The youth have settled into our rhythm and aren’t as hyper anymore.  They were a bit wiggly but easily manageable.  I did enjoy one answer to Bobby’s question during the lesson.  What is special about the Book of Acts?  “It’s named after an axe?” was wrong but still fun to consider.

               Another item up for thought.  There will be no allergies in heaven.  Isn’t that nice?  Unless those are the tears he will be wiping.

               High school group was a bit rowdy.  One student announced he had asked AI for an inappropriate verse and I definitely believe there are several – actually many verses that are inappropriate for mixed crowds or young people.  Bobby on the other hand wants to say that “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”  1 Timothy 3:16-17.  I had an idea to dare him to preach some of those verses but even I don’t want to hear them read aloud.  It’s just not right.  Anyway, this made for an interesting night.

               Bobby mentioned a lady had a nose ring in Genesis 24.  I had to pipe in that I thought they were gross, “What if you get a cold!?”  Another youth had to add, “Yes, for practical reasons they don’t work, what if you wanted to pick your nose?”  Ewwww, I was done with that conversation.

               The lesson time was interesting.  One fill-in-the-blank I got wrong.  Romans 3:10-12 was the verse and the blank was, “Church isn’t about p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  but about grace.”  I filled in punishment and was wrong.  What do you think?  The next part, “Church is about c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.”  Had a funny instant comment – “Communism!”  Noooo – Rich had to add that the people giving up all their items to the church was, “Strictly voluntary.” 

               Life is good.  It’s fun being with youth and feeling sharpened as we consider God’s word, what is appropriate to mention, and what is good.  May you also throw ideas back and forth with people you interact with.  May you find God’s word to be alive and active, something that pertains to everyday life.

               Seth helped this week with putting our robot vacuum downstairs when it was done with the upstairs.  I enjoyed his help.  He continues to plug away at school and life.  Slow and steady wins the race.

               Adriel enjoys one of her jobs immensely.  I am glad she likes talking with me.  She has so much going on!  And she wants to do more (snowboarding).  Goodness!

               Please pray for both of our kids.  They have colds.  Not Covid, just colds.  Much love,




PS, the two right answers for the fill-in-the-blanks were perfection and celebrating.



Monday, October 14, 2024

10/14/24 Happy Birthday to me.

Dear Family,


               I truly enjoy laughing.  Another joy is putting my head onto my cat’s soft body and hearing a purr.  That is amazing.  What are some of your favorite things?

               I must admit that I send this blog out to my immediate family for proofing a day before I send it out.  This is why Sunday school shenanigans don’t normally make it into the blog.  But when I share stories several times with people around me I know they are enjoyable enough to post.  So what if it’s a week late.  Here is some of last week's Sunday School fun.  We meet early, 6-12th grade and it’s pleasant.  People are barely awake, there is some game playing and then a lesson.  As we were sitting down for the lesson someone uninvited tried to join.  Bobby whacked the large spider and then killed it.  And yet – one person said, “I would like to put that under a microscope!” This brought some speculation and then Bobby mentioned he could have whacked the spider from the ceiling – not to the side of the room but into the crowd.  OH MY!  A middle school girl next to me said, “I would scream!”  The young man next to her said, “But if you did that it could land in your mouth!”  Oh dear.  This led to a bit of violence and I was also squealing with horror.  Just the thought!  Don’t worry, Bobby would never do that!

               During the lesson, we read about how Peter wept after denying Christ three times.  Bobby mentioned how that must have felt awful because this particular sin was against “Jesus!”  I said, all sin is against Jesus and this brought up a discussion about how, “Yes, all sin is falling short of the glory of God BUT some sins affect those around us more.”  An example Bobby was trying to give is, “So if Cade steals a soda it’s not that big of a deal but if Rich ran over . . .” As Bobby paused to think about his next word I was so helpful with, “Cade”  And this brought some comments; “Woa, that was a crazy mad libs moment!” “Ow that would hurt.”  Etc.  And so we learned that although all sins do break our relationship with God, some sins break more relationships on earth than others.  And no, Bobby is not advocating for thievery.

               Bobby’s chili is amazingly yummy.  I believe he made that on Monday.  I enjoyed it very much for several days. 

               Middle school group was fun and I truly enjoyed it when we clapped for latecomers.  They are welcomed and I am glad they come even though they have been to practice and showered.  (Yeah for showering!)

               High school group had some interesting moments.  Bobby talked about how finding revenge doesn’t satisfy God and how that’s God’s job.  His illustration was about when he was in fourth grade and his sister pushed him into the street at a bus stop.  Bobby was so mad that he got revenge by swinging his full backpack at her.  This resulted in a concussion.  He said, “I didn’t want to give her a concussion, I Just wanted revenge.”  A student asked, “Are you sure?”  Bobby’s reply, “I don’t think so – I didn’t even know what a concussion was at that time.”  (God’s punishment would have fit the crime better.) 

               Another example of someone who wanted revenge was in the movie The Princess Bride.  Bobby asked, “Does anyone know who Inigo Montoya was?”  The immediate loud answer, “Your mom!”  was wrong. 

               I didn’t really connect the dots on my dinner request for Friday.  I just knew we had an ingredient I wanted to get rid of because we had too much.  Spam.  I asked Bobby to use up some of the spam in our cupboard last week and he said it would be a two-day project.  Thursday he made a LOT of rice, chicken, and broccoli.  Friday he took much of that rice and made stir fry with spam in it.  It was fabulous food.  Both dishes.  Only the next day when Bobby mentioned to Adriel that he made spam for my birthday dinner I was kind of chagrined.  I didn’t think of it that way.  I wouldn’t normally ask for spam ever.  But we did have extra and it tasted good.  Bobby can make anything taste amazing.

               He also mowed the lawn on Thursday and that was very kind and appreciated.

               Saturday I enjoyed lunch with Adriel, Seth, my parents, and Bobby.  It was my Birthday party and I enjoyed the cozy atmosphere of a restaurant called Grassa in Downtown Portland.  How fun to just be.  I am glad we got together and had some pleasant conversations and yummy food.  I do wish we had taken pictures.  We don’t remember to memorialize things.  It’s OK but sad.

               I was pretty overwhelmed to see all the happy Birthday greetings on Facebook Sunday morning.  Wow, thank you all 😊.

               May you enjoy your days and may your years be wonderful.  Older age is part of being alive.  May you be glad for the life God has given you.  Much love,




PS the pumpkins are some cute Mochi squishy toys that people seem to really love.  When I walk by and push my finger into it, I feel a finger hug and that makes me happy.

Monday, October 7, 2024


 Dear Family,


               Bobby made stir fry out of brisket.  It was sooo yummy!  And now the brisket is gone.  Yay!  I am very glad when things don’t stay in the fridge too long.  Now Bobby has pastrami and I am glad he and Seth are enjoying food they like.  He also made spicy mac and cheese.  The reason he cooked things I don’t like is actually quite kind.  I was fasting for my first colonoscopy.  That went well and it was the first time I remember ever going under.  Actually, I don’t remember a thing.  That was the point, and I am glad for it.  Yay for not having to do that for another 10 years. 

               Tuesday night youth group was filled with giggles.  One young man was very excited to have bought five sodas.  He lined them up near him and was ecstatic.  Bobby was concerned that this person’s parents didn’t allow soda consumption at home and the young man assured Bobby that “My dad let’s me”.  (Let’s not talk about mom.)  Later he showed a shaking hand to a friend, “I’m shaking!  I’m not addicted.”  Oh dear.  This brought about a new rule.  You are only allowed to buy one soda at a time. 

               The lesson focused on parental wisdom.  Bobby mentioned that if we wanted to hear ‘wisdom’ that we liked we could talk with peers but he said, “You guys don’t know much.”  This was met with consternation.  “We do!”  So Bobby asked, “How do I change the oil on my car?”  On answer was, “You Pour the oil in the oil changer.”  Another answer was, "Go to that fast place on Wallace and it’s only, like, $15.”  Ohhh they realllllly do not know about that.  This brought up a video that is NOT instructional showing a lady pouring oil all over her car engine.  OH my!  That is a very bad idea.

               Another question Bobby asked, “If you have something very valuable what do you do with it?”  One immediate answer was, “You eat it!”  No, Bobby said, “You protect it.”  This brought up a ring bought at the AWANA store that ended up being real and was sold for over $100.  One young man has a ring he found.  The ring is still at home.  The suggestion that he give it to a girl and ask her to a dance was so repulsive to him his yuck face lasted a full minute and a half.  He might be saving it for that (who knows) but he’s definitely NOT ready to even think of the prospect.  Young sixth graders sure are fun.

               Wednesday night had such a lovely calm group.  The high schooler’s are delightful in a more sophisticated way.  I enjoy chatting with the young women who are sweet, kind to all and give hugs at the end of our time. 

               Lesson time did have some fun moments.  A person flicked the lights and another young man said, “Don’t turn off the lights!  I’ll cry like a baby.  It is my greatest fear.”  This of course brought some darkness for a little bit.  No tears.  “You didn’t cry?”  And the of course response was, “I was crying inside.”  Nice.

               Our lesson about wisdom continued with how Proverbs 1:9 says G_ _ _  (G_ _ _ _) wisdom is valuable.  Can you guess what that one was?  My favorite guess was, “Good Golly, wisdom is valuable. 

               Thursday I had prep and Friday I had the procedure.  Seth was kind enough to be home and watch me Thursday.  Bobby was kind enough to be home with me Friday.  I was a bit loopy and couldn’t walk very straight afterwards.  That was odd.  But by Saturday I felt good enough to volunteer, work out, garden and resume normal activity.  Yay! 

               I am so glad for Adriel, she is thinking about her assignments, continues to live, breathe and be kind to those she meets.  She has new room mates that are sisters.  She met them in the elevator while they were having crisis.  They were moving into a room that had a messy room mate.  Adriel intervened and said they could stay in her place.  They looked it over, looked at another one and chose her.  Yay – Adriel’s kindness and compassion made a good first impression. 

               May you feel motivated to do the tasks God has for you.  May you feel joy when you accomplish delayed gratification.  May your heart sing when you pet fuzzy animals and may you enjoy the beauty we are surrounded with!  Much love,




               PS the fill in the blanks was Good (Godly).


Sunday, September 29, 2024


Chives are in bloom now.

 Dear Family,


               Bobby’s desire to make a brisket has turned into several amazing meals.  First – sandwiches and then burritos.  I enjoy his cooking.

               Tuesday night was in the 80’s, that’s summer weather for the fall!  Going down to the Youth Room basement was much cooler and wonderful.  I mentioned this and Bobby said, “It will get warm, just wait, and Rich is going to comment.  Then there was a conversation I missed about that.  I believe Bobby made a bet with several people involved on how long it would take for Rich to comment. 

               Game time was fun, with many people enjoying gutter ball.   I was invited to play foosball and enjoyed my time with a new student who made great eye contact and had a fun endearing personality.  I enjoy getting to know our students.  Games is one way to do that.

               Lesson time was full of wisdom.  It was entitled “Learning to make wise decisions.”  I thought it was fun when on fill in the blank was, “Wisdom is calling out to whoever will l _ _ _ _ _!”  A student said, “Sorry, I didn’t hear the last blank.  Could you please tell me what it was?”  Aaaand that was when Rich had to point out, “How ironic!”  Can you tell what the blank is?  It’s from Proverbs 1:20-23.

               There was a game that involved bananas.  Bobby had to mention he used them because they were the bad prize – he hates bananas.  Meanwhile, he was wearing a yellow shirt the color of a banana.  The person next to me had to say, “Bobby is a complicated person.”  They could not wrap their mind around his enjoyment of the banana yellow shirt while simultaneously hating bananas.

               Bobby supplied each middle schooler with a cold water bottle on their chair.  Rich was putting it on his neck and looked a little odd with his head tilted over.  Bobby had to question the weird positioning.  When Rich said, “It’s hot in here” there were cheers.  Some people won the bet.

               During the lesson, Bobby talked about learning from other people's mistakes instead of our own.  This brought up many, many mistakes.  One person accidentally stepped on their cat.  They also didn’t tie their shoelaces and broke both wrists!  They make sure to keep their laces tied now.  Bobby mentioned, “Do you know how many quarters I put in video games?  Enough to buy a nice car I’m sure!”  This was met with, “Bruh” from someone sitting next to me.  It was funny how Bobby said, “We could talk about my bad choices all night.”  I had to mention, “We don’t have time.”

               High school group was delightful.  The youth sat and talked for the first fifteen minutes instead of playing gutter ball.  I enjoyed that and the camaraderie we had.  During lesson time we talked about good choices and where we go for wisdom.  Bobby did mention that parents are a great source but asked, why don’t we go to them sometimes.  Someone said, “Arrogance.”  When I mentioned I thought they meant their parents were arrogant this brought a stir.  Noooo, we sometimes don’t go to our parents because we are too pretentious. 

               Seth asked if I could give directions on thawing some lasagna I made this summer.  It was nice to hear an unprompted, “I love you,” from him because I responded favorably to his request.  He also cleaned a bathroom for me and fed the cat while I was gone.  I am very thankful for Seth.

               Adriel continues to work and will be glad to graduate.  I believe she has lost the excitement about living in Portland.  I enjoy talking with her and am very glad whenever she answers a text or the phone.  She is so precious 😊.  I am so happy to hear her voice.

               Women’s retreats are always so wholesome!  I enjoy chatting with people I normally don’t have time to greet.  We have amazing conversations, great fun, amazing food, enjoyable games, and wonderful singing.  I truly enjoy being with my fellow church ladies.  They are a fabulous bunch of people.

               May you also enjoy being with your family; church, birth, or adoption.  May you find God’s grace guides and protects you.  Much love,




PS the fill in the blanks was, “Listen”.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

And now for the hard work.

 Dear Family,

               Every time I bite into an amazing meal cooked by Bobby I feel tremendously blessed, loved, and happy.  Leftovers are the same.  I truly enjoy it when he is home and cooks.

               Adriel and I set up a different phone calling time and we had a wonderful chat on Monday during lunchtime.  How glad I am that she is doing well, glad to have friends, and growing. 

        I waited to send this until I confirmed that both kids are registered now.  Seth will stay home and keep his job this semester.  I am glad for me.  I like having him around.  Please pray with me that they are diligent in their studies, focused on God's will, and wise in each decision.

               I also enjoy youth groups!  The enthusiasm of our middle schoolers had me so pumped that I went to bed at 9 pm (super late for me) and wasn’t even that tired.  This could also be because of Rich’s Birthday cupcakes.  Christine makes the best cakes!  Anyway, did you know one of our youth can kick her elbow?  It’s true, I have video evidence. 

Also, our young men are super focusing on gutter ball by pulling their hoodies so closed that they only have eyes peering out.  This cracks me up because when the hoodie naturally becomes bigger they are now unfocused.  Those words make me laugh.

               Bobby later gave stickers out with instructions NOT to put them anywhere inappropriate.  “Put the sticker on binder, water bottle, laptop, your forehead”.  One student commented, “Oh great now everyone is going to put them on their foreheads.”  One did, two other had them on their legs, one on a hat.  They truly are impulsive.

               Rich shared some figs with me and I asked a middle schooler if he wanted one.  He needed direction on how to eat it then he said, “This is good, weird texture though.” Bobby doesn’t like figs.  He looked over and was like, “Oh goodness, you’ll eat anything won’t you?”  And I believe the answer for most middle school students might just be, “Yes”.  They will eat anything.

               High school group was also filled with the joy of reunion.  I know we meet to play games during the summer but it’s not the same without singing and a lesson.  I truly enjoy the full experience.  Christine made even more cupcakes so after Bobby prayed a blessing over them and we ate some Bobby said, “There are enough for everyone to have a halve.  If you pick a buddy one person can cut it and the other person can choose which half they want.”  This was met with immediate and loud consternation.  “This is communism!” from one student.  “This is Biden economics, and I don’t like it” from another. Wow, let’s keep politics out of it.  Bobby shelved that discussion and people had (whole) cupcakes later since there weren’t too many takers.

               When we were going to sing someone went up to play and his friend had to heckle him, “The attractive man is going to play the piano.”  I love their enthusiasm.  When Bobby was starting the lesson he asked, “What kind of book is the book of proverbs?”  One answer was, “Proverbs?”  I thought that was a fabulous guess.  It is in fact, a book of Wisdom.

               During the lesson A fill in the blank was supposed to be “Everyone needs friends but how careful are you in who choose to b _ _ _ _ _?” When Keegan shouted out Banana I felt so much love for him.  I truly believe we had a moment because that was hilarious.  Bobby on the other hand is like, “What? No.” 

               I believe the lesson time can have dramatic changing effects.  One student before the lesson declared, “I am mean.”  Later, after the lesson he then declared, “I am nice!”  All that change in the span of ½ an hour.  Amazing!

               Another funny interaction was when Bobby mentioned someone who protested and said, “Why are you picking on me?”  (By using the person as an example.) Rapid fire Bobby said, “You drew on yourself.” Person said, “It’s beautiful!” Bobby, “It says, ‘Pick on me.’”  I truly enjoy quick wit.

               I must admit that my purpose for cooking is different than most peoples.  My main goal is to make extra or leftover ingredients edible – or to at least get them used instead of trashed.  Sooo we had too many hot dogs in the house.  I cut up hot dogs and added them to scrambled eggs (with left over green onions) I also cut up hot dogs and added them to my Asian Chopped salad.  The scrambled eggs did sink like a rock in my stomach.  But the hot dogs are gone now (between Seth and I)!  I mentioned my genius recipes to Bobby and he was not impressed.  His comment was, “What would Gordon Ramsey say?”  I mentioned, “He would probably yell at me.”  What do you think?

               May you enjoy those who live with you and may your heart be glad every time you see those you work, play and interact with.  May God’s love be evident in all you do and may your faith increase daily.  Much love, Cristy