Monday, October 7, 2024


 Dear Family,


               Bobby made stir fry out of brisket.  It was sooo yummy!  And now the brisket is gone.  Yay!  I am very glad when things don’t stay in the fridge too long.  Now Bobby has pastrami and I am glad he and Seth are enjoying food they like.  He also made spicy mac and cheese.  The reason he cooked things I don’t like is actually quite kind.  I was fasting for my first colonoscopy.  That went well and it was the first time I remember ever going under.  Actually, I don’t remember a thing.  That was the point, and I am glad for it.  Yay for not having to do that for another 10 years. 

               Tuesday night youth group was filled with giggles.  One young man was very excited to have bought five sodas.  He lined them up near him and was ecstatic.  Bobby was concerned that this person’s parents didn’t allow soda consumption at home and the young man assured Bobby that “My dad let’s me”.  (Let’s not talk about mom.)  Later he showed a shaking hand to a friend, “I’m shaking!  I’m not addicted.”  Oh dear.  This brought about a new rule.  You are only allowed to buy one soda at a time. 

               The lesson focused on parental wisdom.  Bobby mentioned that if we wanted to hear ‘wisdom’ that we liked we could talk with peers but he said, “You guys don’t know much.”  This was met with consternation.  “We do!”  So Bobby asked, “How do I change the oil on my car?”  On answer was, “You Pour the oil in the oil changer.”  Another answer was, "Go to that fast place on Wallace and it’s only, like, $15.”  Ohhh they realllllly do not know about that.  This brought up a video that is NOT instructional showing a lady pouring oil all over her car engine.  OH my!  That is a very bad idea.

               Another question Bobby asked, “If you have something very valuable what do you do with it?”  One immediate answer was, “You eat it!”  No, Bobby said, “You protect it.”  This brought up a ring bought at the AWANA store that ended up being real and was sold for over $100.  One young man has a ring he found.  The ring is still at home.  The suggestion that he give it to a girl and ask her to a dance was so repulsive to him his yuck face lasted a full minute and a half.  He might be saving it for that (who knows) but he’s definitely NOT ready to even think of the prospect.  Young sixth graders sure are fun.

               Wednesday night had such a lovely calm group.  The high schooler’s are delightful in a more sophisticated way.  I enjoy chatting with the young women who are sweet, kind to all and give hugs at the end of our time. 

               Lesson time did have some fun moments.  A person flicked the lights and another young man said, “Don’t turn off the lights!  I’ll cry like a baby.  It is my greatest fear.”  This of course brought some darkness for a little bit.  No tears.  “You didn’t cry?”  And the of course response was, “I was crying inside.”  Nice.

               Our lesson about wisdom continued with how Proverbs 1:9 says G_ _ _  (G_ _ _ _) wisdom is valuable.  Can you guess what that one was?  My favorite guess was, “Good Golly, wisdom is valuable. 

               Thursday I had prep and Friday I had the procedure.  Seth was kind enough to be home and watch me Thursday.  Bobby was kind enough to be home with me Friday.  I was a bit loopy and couldn’t walk very straight afterwards.  That was odd.  But by Saturday I felt good enough to volunteer, work out, garden and resume normal activity.  Yay! 

               I am so glad for Adriel, she is thinking about her assignments, continues to live, breathe and be kind to those she meets.  She has new room mates that are sisters.  She met them in the elevator while they were having crisis.  They were moving into a room that had a messy room mate.  Adriel intervened and said they could stay in her place.  They looked it over, looked at another one and chose her.  Yay – Adriel’s kindness and compassion made a good first impression. 

               May you feel motivated to do the tasks God has for you.  May you feel joy when you accomplish delayed gratification.  May your heart sing when you pet fuzzy animals and may you enjoy the beauty we are surrounded with!  Much love,




               PS the fill in the blanks was Good (Godly).


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