Monday, December 23, 2024


 Dear Family, 


               What a fun season.  Parties, celebration, joy, and lights – More Lights!  Someone pulled their car over to tell me my bicycle light wasn’t that bright.  “You are not that visible.”  Yikes.  Thankfully Northwest Hub has lights to buy and I prioritized that the next day.

               At home, I enjoyed Bobby’s cooking.  My biggest delight isn’t just how amazing it tastes but that he used something from the freezer.  Yay!  I like that our freezer food isn’t going to sit there forever.

               Our cat continues to bug Bobby, and she loves him more than me. This is disturbing to both of us, but Bobby gives her rough attention, while I am more gentle. Bobby even said, “I’m going to pet her till she gives me three wishes.”  That did not work, but it was delightful to hear. She’s a very silly cat.

               Wednesday night was a blast.  We had over 50 youths gather for fun, games, and hilarity.  The gift exchange with stealing went wonderful.  Seth did observe some while performing his custodial duties.  He said the only present he thought was good was a weighted vest.  It was 40 lbs and brought home by an 80 lb person.  That young man enjoys play fighting in it and feels like it makes him brother-proof.  Another gift was a small frying pan with cookie mix.  Several high school boys were laughing and I had to ask what was going on.  When they said, “We are hitting each other with the frying pan” I couldn’t reprimand them.  I just laughed because that’s ridiculously hilarious.

               Saturday, we celebrated Christmas with the VanKleek’s.  Bobbys Dad and Sandy, Bobby’s Mom and sister Caren joined us with Adriel to enjoy an amazing meal and enjoy each other's company.  I delighted in the camaraderie and was very glad to get pictures! 

               My favorite part of our visit was when it got a bit quiet.  Seth said, “Aunty Caren, I remember you wanted to experience VR and I have some roller coaster rides you might enjoy.”  Oh wow.  I was her seat belt and she is very expressive.  I am glad we held her in because she was so expressive I believe she might have fallen out of her chair during the second roller coaster ride (while Bobby was holding her in).  We all vicariously enjoyed her exclamations, joy, and surprise when things came at her.  She said, “That was fun!” and it was fun for us to watch.

               Bobby did preach on Sunday.  It is good he can fill the pulpit with notice.  Pastor Ed’s mom went to heaven with Jesus Friday evening.  It was good to see the Willis family at church but totally understandable that preaching would have been too much.  I am so glad Bobby does a good job preaching.  That is so nice.

               I enjoyed seeing Adriel.  Her infectious smile, wonderful hug, great driving skills, and sweetness are always appreciated.  I am so glad she is part of our family.

               May you also be glad for each person who is part of your family.  May you rejoice in gathering, delight in your interactions and have patience with those who are harder to get along with.

Much love,




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