Monday, March 4, 2024



Dear Family,


               That Adriel lives close enough to visit is such a blessing to me.  And that I have time I can take is also lovely.  She bought me dinner so many times this last couple of months (through her Christmas gift card) I am glad to bring her out 😊.  I am glad to hear her heart and find out her plans.

               Bobby mowed the lawn and cooked amazing food this week.  I am so blessed that he enjoys helping at home.  Sometimes we watch “Fear factor” together.  I commented that one person was so thin, “She’s never had babies.”  Bobby said, well they don’t have 50-year-olds on the show.  Then he started joking about 50-year-old fear factor, “Cross the street!  Get up in the morning.”  It made me laugh – we aren’t that fearful.

               Middle School group had some fun silliness.  We talked about 1st Corinthians 13:4-7.  When Bobby got to patient he said, “So if a person in youth group is doing really annoying things and we choose to be loving and patient that would be good.”  A student piped up with, “I’m right here!”  As though that comment has been about them.  It was funny the way they said it so fast.

               Several students were talking amongst themselves after the paper was handed out and Bobby was trying to teach but had to ask, “What are you doing?  Trying to fill in the blanks early?”  The student replied, “Of course.”

               When it came to love being hopeful someone mentioned, “I hope you will give me your wallet.”

               Wednesday night had another fun handwriting blunder.  Someone prayed for their friends Barbarian solo.  I was wondering if this was a dance or song.  Come to find out it was Baritone solo.  That makes more sense.

               A fun fill in the blank was “Selfless Love R----y S----- out!  Several guesses were “Reckless, Selfish!” and “Really Sucks” neither were right – it’s Really Stands out – Selfless love really stands out.

               1 Corinthians 13 may be read at weddings a lot but it was written for the church.  When Bobby came to “Not Envious” he mentioned that if Troys dad got a new van Bobby might be a little envious.  One student blurted, “How would you feel if it suddenly blew up?”  Another laughed with chagrin.  “What are you planning?!”

               It is good to have time to talk things out.  Getting a temporary second job will be stressful, and I am glad Bobby decided to support me by giving me rides into town in the mornings.

               Seth is willing to give me a daily hug and I love his presence.   He is fun to chat with and I am glad he responds.

               May you also be glad for the interactions you have with those you encounter.  May you have power to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ.  Much love, Cristy

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