Monday, March 11, 2024



Dear Family,



               I enjoy visiting with Adriel and she came to us this week.  She has a lot of decisions to make, and I enjoy being part of her journey.  I also delight in her enthusiasm, hugs and smiles.

               Seth was kind enough to leave the door unlocked for Adriel.  Unfortunately, even though I am the one who told him to do this, I came home and locked up out of habit before I left.  I enjoyed the transcript of Seth’s call when Adriel called him to unlock the door for her.  “Hey mom as I don Hear a beat flying unicorn I left the door unlocked Angels, texting me and saying it's locked You wouldn't happen to know why?  Oh, you're gone, you're not even close to home. All right I'm gonna drive home and get Israel…”  What he really said was that he would let Adriel in and that was fabulous because he did this in record time.  I was willing to leave youth group to let her in but didn’t have to.  What a great guy.

               High school group was entertaining as I played foosball with several youth.  We overheard someone say, “That’s a grandma color.”  This brought up a conversation with those I was with.  “What color do you suppose is a grandma color?”  One across from me piped up with, “Maroon?”  I looked down at my maroon coat and asked, “Is there a specific reason you think that?”  We had to laugh at the irony.

               During the lesson Bobby asked the High school group if they could see any animal at the zoo which ones would they like to see.  This brought out some jokes.  The friend sitting beside a person, “My brother and sister.”  We only got one serious answer and it was, “A flamingo because I like how their knees bend.” 

               Bobby mentioned that we are all sheep in God’s eyes and someone piped up with, “I’m a Ram!”  Another student exclaimed, “You can’t be a truck!”

               Middle school was also fun but I lost the paper I wrote things down on to remember and, like the wind, it’s all gone.  This is to remind us all – if we don’t make the effort to keep track, the beauty, joy and fun times are gone.  We can’t bring them back.  Record to remember my friends.  This life is so short. 

               I am blessed that Bobby made chicken pot pie this week.  The lawn is still mowed (not growing much in this awkward snowy weather).   Bobby cooked several more meals this week and I enjoyed eating with him.  Please pray with us as he is concerned for his best friend Rich’s healing.  Rich had foot surgery.  Also, Bobby’s Uncle is in the hospital and this is sad and scary. 

Please also pray with us as we have new kittens because they go in heat and one peed on someone’s room mate while they were sleeping.  This was an emergency situation.  So, we have these kittens I want to keep forever, locked in our bedroom.  Meanwhile our own cat is curious, jealous and wants to get in the bedroom.  Also, I know these kittens’ potential, they could pee on us – so we walking on eggshells to be their friends.  They have spay surgery scheduled for April 9th.  Meanwhile, our house is a little chaotic and sleep has been hard to come by.  The kittens are mad at each other and want to rumble, meow, and scratch at the door as we are trying to sleep.

               Thank you so much for your love, attention, and PRAYERS! 

Hugs, Cristy

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