Monday, May 27, 2024



Dear Family,


          How exciting to experience our yearly Youth Sunday!  The youth were bursting with joy and energy, waiting with great anticipation for church people to come.  I’ll have to mention Bobby asked them to come an hour and fifteen minutes early and gave them doughnuts. Many a, “Shhhhhh” was uttered as they stood at their posts and chatted together while Sunday school was going on.  Hopefully you enjoyed the enthusiastic welcome if you live in Salem and went to our church.  For my Canadian relatives (and anyone who wants to watch the livestream) the link is 

          I did feel a little nervous as Bobby didn’t come in till the last song.  He was helping people get ready to usher, not having a panic attack so, that was good.  He did have a lot of people to manage.  After the service he promptly left the sanctuary and I found out later it was because he was also managing the kids and getting them ready to hand out magnets.  He had a lot to do.

          Monday Bobby was excited to take me out to the Cozy Taverna.  It was very yummy food!  I enjoyed his company and was very glad to thank Paul and Lucille who gave us the gift certificate for Pastors appreciation a while back.

          Tuesday night before middle school group Bobby was mentioning that we would have less youth because there are concerts, and he named a couple of people that wouldn’t be present.  This was sad but we still had a full house.  Oh boy!  And they were excited to be present.  Bobby had a mini game and before saying the rules, he grabbed two full size candy bars.  This is when someone piped up with, “Now this is serious!”  I enjoy how engaged the group is.  After only one person won (by remembering themes from weeks before) Bobby mentioned he could give out a doughnut.  This brought the excitement level up again.  Then he said a “Hurts donit.”  This kind of doughnut is a slug in the arm and statement.  One youth was undeterred.  “I know what it is! I can take it!”  Bobby isn’t going to slug people in the arm, but he will joke about it.

          Wednesday the high schoolers were fun and vibrant.  At first it was only males which was concerning because I didn’t want to feel alone.  Then several females came, and I rejoiced.  Several instances were interesting.  Bobby said, “I won’t ask you to declare your latest sin.”  Yet, someone had to announce theirs, “I punched Troy.”  Punch, “I did it again.”  This made me laugh.  That could have been a very serious and introspective moment.  I didn’t mind the comic relief.  Another thing Bobby said, “Let’s say I go rob a bank.”  This was immediately met with, “I’ll join you!”  How humbling to know that influence can be used for the bad.  Of course, Bobby won’t do this but, Yikes!

          I did have a health scare and went to Urgent care on Friday.  Adriel was very attentive and texted me back and forth enough that it alleviated some anxiety I felt.  Bobby let me borrow his book so that also helped pass the time.  I want to give a shout out to Kaiser Permanente. Their urgent care was fabulous. Imaging, blood draw, everything was in the same building, and we ruled out heart attack and anemia. My chest pain was just repetitive motion which is definitely my way of doing things. All in all, 5 stars. I am thankful for good healthcare.  I had to chuckle a little about the difference between my kids.  I popped my head in a bedroom to tell Seth I would be going to urgent care.  His response, “You better hurry and go now.”  He’s not one for chatting or, “There, there.”

          May you find that wherever you go, whatever you do, you feel God’s presence and peace with you.  May your joy and hope be in Him.  Much love,







Monday, May 20, 2024



Dear Family,


               The sunny weather has me feeling like it is summer!  Does it make you happy?  I enjoy the sun and am glad for sunscreen.  I am also glad for yummy food and regular days off.  I enjoy visiting with friends, walking and talking. 

               Tuesday night middle school group has so much excitement and chatter.  The fifth graders definitely add a layer of fresh perspective.  It is fun helping them learn to use the soda machine.  Apparently, that is an old school talent.

               One student told me that they noticed I was a “Ripe old age”.  They thought that was a funny saying they learned about in Bible class.  I mentioned, “I think that means I’m old enough to die.”  Their smiling reply was, “Uh huh.”

 When the lesson plan was almost over Bobby did mention he had a, “Fun surprise tonight.”  A student next to me asked,” Can we draw on my sister?”

            Both middle and High school group wanted to fill in this blank with Sacrifices.  I’ll put it out there like this. “Faithful in meeting together (by offering

S _ _ _ _ _ _ AND e - - - - - - - - - - .”  One person had to shout out, “And judgement.”  But that was just silly.  “That doesn’t even start with an E!”  We are supposed to encourage each other not judge each other.

            Someone mentioned Bobby should buy that Ferrari he wanted and another student had to chip in with, “A Farrari is too low budget for me.  I must ride in a helicopter.”

            I am so glad for the beautiful sun, shelter, amazing food and love.  The best of all is love.  I am glad for your love, my family and friends.  Thank you for your support, kindness and writing back 😊!

            Bobby mowed the lawn and made several dinners.  He even rescued me from pain.  I accidentally wore the wrong shoes to work!  He brought the right ones, and I felt so blessed and loved.  My hero!

            May you also find joy even when you make mistakes.  May you be kind to others, find grace and smile.  May God’s love pour into you and may you react by loving those around you. 


Hugs!  Cristy

Also, just for fun, guess the flower :-).  Let me know in comments.  

Monday, May 13, 2024



Dear Family,


               Because I forgot to ask for Mothers day off I enjoyed celebrating early.  Seth and I went out to eat and he bought me a present.  I’m so glad to enjoy time with him.  Seth is such great company and I enjoy hearing his take on life and the decisions he is making.  Because I had a bad dream about his campus housing situation in the coming future, I asked him to find Christian housing.  He said he wasn’t willing to do that because he wants to be a light in the world and wouldn’t be that effective if he surrounds himself with Christians only.  Although alarm bells are going off in my head (with great sound and visuals) I see his point.  Please pray with us as Seth is planning to go to in person college next fall.

               Bobby was sick enough to go home early after Sunday School on Sunday and cancel youth group on Tuesday.  He rallied Wednesday.  Youth group was fun as usual.  Bobby was trying to have people use one of his clip art illustrations to guess, “B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Jesus is who he says he is.”  One person fixated on the dude with a dress 

and that was just funny.  Who do you think that man is?  What do you think the fill in the blank is?

               While reading John 11:2 one person mistakenly said that Jesus wiped his feet on her hair instead of the other way around.  That visual had me internally chuckling a while. 

               Adriel was going to go out to lunch with me Wednesday but heard about the cold that put dad out and asked if I had any symptoms.  My sore throat and headache had her cancel for the moment.  Saturday she came over and took us out to dinner.  That was a very sweet and special time.  I enjoy her company and am glad to reminisce about our lives together.

I must admit I had fun during the church service with the 2-6 year olds.  We talked about the good Samaritan and how we can be kind to each other.  I put up some pictures of children in various need (given by the curriculum).  We did a goodness march and walked to each picture.  My favorite was when we stopped at a picture of a little girl who had been crying.  She had her teddy bear dangling at her side and the other hand was up on her cheek wiping a tear away.  I asked how we can help this little girl and someone said, “Give her a Claritin.”   

               I did enjoy a gathering with the Duval family.  I am glad we are invited to their Birthday celebrations.  There is so much love in and between all involved.  May you also enjoy family and friends.  I wish you a lovely Mothers day as well. 


Much love, Cristy


The fill in the blank Is, “Believes” and the man is Peter – walking on water!  How fun!

Monday, May 6, 2024



Dear Family,


               Although I was very tired this week, I feel blessed to have been included in the seasonal program at the Department of Revenue.  That was an amazing opportunity and way more fun than I could have ever expected.  I learned a lot about myself, taxes, and made new friends.

               Monday Bobby cooked Shepherds pie and that is still going strong for an amazing leftovers meal.  Thursday, he made chip beef on toast, and I am glad he cooks.  I am continually, always glad he enjoys that process.  We did watch, “Worst Cooks in America” and had to laugh when someone said, “Cereal again.”  Hey – I eat it because I like it.  I’m not that bad in the kitchen.  I just don’t enjoy the work after 10 years of being a lunch lady.

               Tuesday night we had 12 new people from fifth grade.  The excitement and acceptance were delightful.  Smaller siblings were introduced.  Young and old enjoyed themselves.  When Bobby announced there would be a Root Beer float night this summer the crowd said, “Ohhhhh,” loud enough that Bobby had to laugh and say, “This youth group even comes with its own sound effects.”  During lesson time one of the sentences to fill in was, “A T _ _ _ _ life C _ _ _ _ _ _ _   story of their own.  (John 4:39-42).  See if you can guess what it was after reading the passage (Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony, “He told me everything I ever did.” So when the Samaritans came to him, they urged him to stay with them, and he stayed two days. And because of his words many more became believers.  They said to the woman, “We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world.”)  Here’s the hint Bobby gave.  It’s cereal.  So here are the guesses, “Trix? Cheerios?”  I found that funny.  The answers are on the bottom PS.

               During the High School group lesson time Bobby had a game that included guessing movies from ‘three word’ quotes.  When he said, “None Shall Pass” someone guessed, “Lord of the Rings?”  “Let it go” was an easy one.  “Do it now!”  Someone had to say, “My parents.”  Not a movie but, true nonetheless. 

               Friday, I enjoyed going to bed around 6PM because I was at work the next day at 4AM.  I truly enjoy sleeping!  Don’t we all need it?  I must be into worms because I’m an early bird.

               Saturday, I had the best nap because getting up at midnight is taxing.  I feel blessed to have a warm cozy home in this rainy weather.  This is a luxury many do not have.  May we be mindful of those without homes.  May we be kind and generous to the Union Gospel Mission and other places that bring hope.

               Much love, Cristy



PS.  The answer is Total life Changing.  Total is a cereal.