Monday, March 21, 2022

3/21/22 First day of Spring!

Dear Family,


            Happy first day of spring!  Spring rain brings flowers.  I find it interesting that something so dreary, fun-killing, and cold is truly a blessing.  I think this is a life lesson that needs merit.  Even though circumstances may seem horrible they are helping us grow.  May you thank God for rain as you eat your fruit and veggies today ;-).

I enjoy walking and talking with my friends.  I was walking with a friend while we played Pokemon.  I notice my bag was full.  I commented that I was going to heal the wounded.  She exclaimed, “The power of Christ compels you!” 

During Youth group, the youth enjoy filling out the blanks ahead of time, and sometimes it’s a guess.  Check out this picture, what do you think the words should be?  I’ll let you know at the end what one youth blurted at the beginning of the lesson.

            Bobby made several fabulous meals this week and I am blessed that I don’t have to.  I sure do enjoy eating – cooking on the other hand has never been fun.  I am so glad Bobby and I went to counseling all those years back and decided that I don’t need to be the one that cooks.

            Bobby is also supportive of me even though my hours are less this month.  I am noticing that all the grocery stores are experiencing this.  I called all the stores I work at in my area and none had hours for me (when they normally would have).  My friend works at another brand of grocery store and is experiencing fewer hours as well.  Apparently, my line of work has some seasonality.  Thank goodness spring break brings an opportunity for fun with the youth group. 

I am delighted that Bobby found Young Sheldon season 2.  I love comedy and am glad for a family show that warms my heart.

Seth is always good for a hug.  He prays with me when I ask him to and he is plugging away at college.  I am glad to have him ever-present and helping eat leftovers.

Adriel was willing to bring food over this week for our lunch date.  In the interest of having more time together, I told her I didn’t mind bringing her clean laundry to her.  She’s so sweet.  I love listening to how her life is and knowing she is still OK, alive, and growing.

Here’s the answer someone guessed about the blanks, “God used a prescription to discover his allergies to people.”  I love what the youth have to say.

May you enjoy the beauty of rain and know that God is at work.  May you enjoy God’s bountiful food, delightful blessings, and friendly hugs.  Much love,




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