Sunday, September 29, 2024


Chives are in bloom now.

 Dear Family,


               Bobby’s desire to make a brisket has turned into several amazing meals.  First – sandwiches and then burritos.  I enjoy his cooking.

               Tuesday night was in the 80’s, that’s summer weather for the fall!  Going down to the Youth Room basement was much cooler and wonderful.  I mentioned this and Bobby said, “It will get warm, just wait, and Rich is going to comment.  Then there was a conversation I missed about that.  I believe Bobby made a bet with several people involved on how long it would take for Rich to comment. 

               Game time was fun, with many people enjoying gutter ball.   I was invited to play foosball and enjoyed my time with a new student who made great eye contact and had a fun endearing personality.  I enjoy getting to know our students.  Games is one way to do that.

               Lesson time was full of wisdom.  It was entitled “Learning to make wise decisions.”  I thought it was fun when on fill in the blank was, “Wisdom is calling out to whoever will l _ _ _ _ _!”  A student said, “Sorry, I didn’t hear the last blank.  Could you please tell me what it was?”  Aaaand that was when Rich had to point out, “How ironic!”  Can you tell what the blank is?  It’s from Proverbs 1:20-23.

               There was a game that involved bananas.  Bobby had to mention he used them because they were the bad prize – he hates bananas.  Meanwhile, he was wearing a yellow shirt the color of a banana.  The person next to me had to say, “Bobby is a complicated person.”  They could not wrap their mind around his enjoyment of the banana yellow shirt while simultaneously hating bananas.

               Bobby supplied each middle schooler with a cold water bottle on their chair.  Rich was putting it on his neck and looked a little odd with his head tilted over.  Bobby had to question the weird positioning.  When Rich said, “It’s hot in here” there were cheers.  Some people won the bet.

               During the lesson, Bobby talked about learning from other people's mistakes instead of our own.  This brought up many, many mistakes.  One person accidentally stepped on their cat.  They also didn’t tie their shoelaces and broke both wrists!  They make sure to keep their laces tied now.  Bobby mentioned, “Do you know how many quarters I put in video games?  Enough to buy a nice car I’m sure!”  This was met with, “Bruh” from someone sitting next to me.  It was funny how Bobby said, “We could talk about my bad choices all night.”  I had to mention, “We don’t have time.”

               High school group was delightful.  The youth sat and talked for the first fifteen minutes instead of playing gutter ball.  I enjoyed that and the camaraderie we had.  During lesson time we talked about good choices and where we go for wisdom.  Bobby did mention that parents are a great source but asked, why don’t we go to them sometimes.  Someone said, “Arrogance.”  When I mentioned I thought they meant their parents were arrogant this brought a stir.  Noooo, we sometimes don’t go to our parents because we are too pretentious. 

               Seth asked if I could give directions on thawing some lasagna I made this summer.  It was nice to hear an unprompted, “I love you,” from him because I responded favorably to his request.  He also cleaned a bathroom for me and fed the cat while I was gone.  I am very thankful for Seth.

               Adriel continues to work and will be glad to graduate.  I believe she has lost the excitement about living in Portland.  I enjoy talking with her and am very glad whenever she answers a text or the phone.  She is so precious ðŸ˜Š.  I am so happy to hear her voice.

               Women’s retreats are always so wholesome!  I enjoy chatting with people I normally don’t have time to greet.  We have amazing conversations, great fun, amazing food, enjoyable games, and wonderful singing.  I truly enjoy being with my fellow church ladies.  They are a fabulous bunch of people.

               May you also enjoy being with your family; church, birth, or adoption.  May you find God’s grace guides and protects you.  Much love,




PS the fill in the blanks was, “Listen”.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

And now for the hard work.

 Dear Family,

               Every time I bite into an amazing meal cooked by Bobby I feel tremendously blessed, loved, and happy.  Leftovers are the same.  I truly enjoy it when he is home and cooks.

               Adriel and I set up a different phone calling time and we had a wonderful chat on Monday during lunchtime.  How glad I am that she is doing well, glad to have friends, and growing. 

        I waited to send this until I confirmed that both kids are registered now.  Seth will stay home and keep his job this semester.  I am glad for me.  I like having him around.  Please pray with me that they are diligent in their studies, focused on God's will, and wise in each decision.

               I also enjoy youth groups!  The enthusiasm of our middle schoolers had me so pumped that I went to bed at 9 pm (super late for me) and wasn’t even that tired.  This could also be because of Rich’s Birthday cupcakes.  Christine makes the best cakes!  Anyway, did you know one of our youth can kick her elbow?  It’s true, I have video evidence. 

Also, our young men are super focusing on gutter ball by pulling their hoodies so closed that they only have eyes peering out.  This cracks me up because when the hoodie naturally becomes bigger they are now unfocused.  Those words make me laugh.

               Bobby later gave stickers out with instructions NOT to put them anywhere inappropriate.  “Put the sticker on binder, water bottle, laptop, your forehead”.  One student commented, “Oh great now everyone is going to put them on their foreheads.”  One did, two other had them on their legs, one on a hat.  They truly are impulsive.

               Rich shared some figs with me and I asked a middle schooler if he wanted one.  He needed direction on how to eat it then he said, “This is good, weird texture though.” Bobby doesn’t like figs.  He looked over and was like, “Oh goodness, you’ll eat anything won’t you?”  And I believe the answer for most middle school students might just be, “Yes”.  They will eat anything.

               High school group was also filled with the joy of reunion.  I know we meet to play games during the summer but it’s not the same without singing and a lesson.  I truly enjoy the full experience.  Christine made even more cupcakes so after Bobby prayed a blessing over them and we ate some Bobby said, “There are enough for everyone to have a halve.  If you pick a buddy one person can cut it and the other person can choose which half they want.”  This was met with immediate and loud consternation.  “This is communism!” from one student.  “This is Biden economics, and I don’t like it” from another. Wow, let’s keep politics out of it.  Bobby shelved that discussion and people had (whole) cupcakes later since there weren’t too many takers.

               When we were going to sing someone went up to play and his friend had to heckle him, “The attractive man is going to play the piano.”  I love their enthusiasm.  When Bobby was starting the lesson he asked, “What kind of book is the book of proverbs?”  One answer was, “Proverbs?”  I thought that was a fabulous guess.  It is in fact, a book of Wisdom.

               During the lesson A fill in the blank was supposed to be “Everyone needs friends but how careful are you in who choose to b _ _ _ _ _?” When Keegan shouted out Banana I felt so much love for him.  I truly believe we had a moment because that was hilarious.  Bobby on the other hand is like, “What? No.” 

               I believe the lesson time can have dramatic changing effects.  One student before the lesson declared, “I am mean.”  Later, after the lesson he then declared, “I am nice!”  All that change in the span of ½ an hour.  Amazing!

               Another funny interaction was when Bobby mentioned someone who protested and said, “Why are you picking on me?”  (By using the person as an example.) Rapid fire Bobby said, “You drew on yourself.” Person said, “It’s beautiful!” Bobby, “It says, ‘Pick on me.’”  I truly enjoy quick wit.

               I must admit that my purpose for cooking is different than most peoples.  My main goal is to make extra or leftover ingredients edible – or to at least get them used instead of trashed.  Sooo we had too many hot dogs in the house.  I cut up hot dogs and added them to scrambled eggs (with left over green onions) I also cut up hot dogs and added them to my Asian Chopped salad.  The scrambled eggs did sink like a rock in my stomach.  But the hot dogs are gone now (between Seth and I)!  I mentioned my genius recipes to Bobby and he was not impressed.  His comment was, “What would Gordon Ramsey say?”  I mentioned, “He would probably yell at me.”  What do you think?

               May you enjoy those who live with you and may your heart be glad every time you see those you work, play and interact with.  May God’s love be evident in all you do and may your faith increase daily.  Much love, Cristy







Monday, September 16, 2024

So it begins.


Dear Family,


               Youth group is always exciting and fun.  I am so glad we are starting up again. Middle school group had so many people jumping up and down!  Let me start from the beginning.  First, tickets were handed out for various participations (filling out an info sheet, attending).  Then there were hot dogs, chips, and cookies (sugar, fuel, ready for blast-off).  Lastly, there were prize drawings and fun games.  The game of things always entertains me.  This time several people guessed a person every time an answer was submitted.  Bobby kept repeating, “No, ____ didn’t write that one.”  “No, it’s not ____”  Finally when it was that person there was great rejoicing. 

               Let me recount some of the fun things that make people cranky.  “My sibling.”  “Wet socks because of water on the floor.” “When I miss out on youth group.”  “I’m too much of a man to get cranky.”  The last one was from a fun middle schooler whose poker face was very hard to maintain second by second.

               High School group BBQ was much more subdued due to rain and maturity.  People greeted each other with muted joy and smiles.  One task was to count the green Swedish fish in a closed clear glass container.  Someone didn’t read the directions and started eating them, two green fish included!  This was met with great consternation on Bobby’s part.  It was funny to see that played out.

               I enjoyed a game where people wrote, “Things you would name your band”.  Bobby said no one can take Blaze’s name in vain.  We enjoyed seeing a student named Blaze last year.  This year, his Wednesdays will be filled with volunteering so we will miss him.  When one of the first band names was, “Setting hearts ablaze”.  Bobby did have to give them kudos for obeying instructions “slightly”.  Star Socks, Covid, Incandescent Lizard, Dumpster Fire, Rizzlers Gonna Rock, Munch Kins, Nobody You Know, Metal Frogs, Plate Licking Good, and Gas Mileage were fun names to hear about.

               Bobby cooked Salmon this week and it was yummy.  We also enjoyed the food carts across the street.  There is such variety I could get something different every time we go.  This time I chose samosas because they sounded interesting.  Bobby chose a dish that was super spicy for even him!  That was comical.

               I am so glad for good books.  I have been enjoying one that will be revealed after I’m done reading it.  I know it’s old school but sitting down with a book is relaxing, rewarding and practical.  I enjoy learning new things and having my mind expand.

               May you also enjoy great books, loving family, and God’s abundance.  Much love, Cristy

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Pretty much a prayer request


Dear Family,


               I enjoy Bobby’s cooking so much 😊.  He made several dishes this week that lasted for days.  I especially like that he is thinking about using ingredients we already have. 

               Adriel is consistent at answering the phone and being very sweet.  I enjoy chatting with her!  Please pray for her and Seth as they haven’t registered for classes yet.  Classes start in about 20 days. 

               I feel blessed that someone showed interest in our Church Library.  The Crawfords had us over and we bonded over Star Wars (the men) and library work (the women).  If anyone else in our church (or I suppose remote friends can send in book reviews) would like to help with library work, please let me know.

               This was a week of new beginnings as grade and middle school started.  I continue to enjoy my job.  May our young students be glad for their choice to get up and out day after day.

               May our Lord God provide you with grace and gumption to also do the good deeds he has prepared for you each day.  Much love,


Monday, September 2, 2024


Last Sunday morning we had a delightful interaction. Sunday School was almost over with our middle and high school students.  We heard some noise and saw a three-year-old and her dad enter.  She said, “Pastor Bobby, I have a present for you!”  Bobby accepted the small stuffed animal from her and asked, “Where did you get it?”  When she said, “I got it from your office.”  We had a little chuckle.  Her sweetness melted our hearts. 

               When they left, I had to comment, “He used to be in our youth group.”  This was a fun time to feel a full circle moment.  It will be fun to have her in youth group later. 

               My new job has been fabulous.  I enjoy the people the most.  Tasks are rewarding and I enjoy the feeling that we are helping people.  I am not on my feet all day, and this helps with my heel spur.  Yeah for less pain.  Riding my bicycle to and from work means I still get a workout and don’t have to pay for gas.  All of this is win, win!

               Adriel has been answering my calls.  She is sweet, lovely and kind.  I enjoy chatting with her.

               Seth continues to progress forward in his goals.  I am sad that he wants to move out, but this is age appropriate.  Our cat was meowing the other day and Bobby said, “She said she wants to move out.”  I had to mournfully reply, “Not you too kitty!”

               Bobby cooked some wonderful meals, and I appreciate all he does.  I didn’t see much of him but what I do see, I like.  Well, except, messy kick ball was so gross.  I really do hope he finds another event that will be the same amount of fun with less sensory issues, yuck.  Many youths did enjoy this event though so – yeah for them.

               May you enjoy the time God gives you.  May you find strength in seeking Him and enjoying time in His word.  Much Love,


