Monday, July 29, 2024



Dear Family,

               I am reading, “Parenting Your Emerging Adult, Launching Kids from 18-29” by Dr. Varda Konstam.  I’m trying to learn how to parent my adult children well.  Part of that is making it uncomfortable to live inside the home.  I am now starting to have Seth pay for many of the things we used to pay for.  I am also trying to get him to shop for himself but this is much harder since I work at Fred Meyer and am there to pick things up conveniently. 

               I did try to have him shop for himself on some shampoo.  I told him “Walmart has it and if you want to buy sliced cheese, they would have that as well”.  He wanted to fight me on this saying, “That store is just a tiny corner shop that does not have sliced cheese”.  This was an interesting conversation.  Later I guessed he was talking about Walgreens.  Either way, as part of this I mentioned, “I am trying to make life uncomfortable for you.”  I laughed before he said, “You already have.”  I knew what was coming.  Oh, it's great having a 21-year-old.

               Seth has been consistent this summer with helping in the garden.  I appreciate that very much.

               Bobby cooked several wonderful meals, and I am blessed to spend time with him.  Unexpectedly he was healthy!  Until Tuesday when he started coming down with a cold.  Please pray this ends up being nothing.

               Adriel called and we talked for a couple of hours on Tuesday.  I am glad she is willing to share her life with us.  She is such a lovely person.  And now that she lives outside the home, she is so thankful that we are still in her life and says so.  Please pray for her as she had developed a fever and was not feeling well.  She seems to be on the mend but still has some healing. 

               Bobby and I went to Seattle for my Dad’s Birthday and parents' 52nd Anniversary.  I enjoyed Bobby’s safe driving, lunch with Adriel (on the way up), and visiting with my parents.  They are all very loving and fun people.  My sister and some of her kids joined us at my parents' house Friday evening for a lovely Birthday celebration.  What fun.  We celebrated two Birthdays!  I didn’t even notice that we stayed up till 11 PM chatting.  That is not normal for me.

               May you also lose track of time when you are with loved ones.  May your heart be glad and your joy be complete when you gather.  I am glad we still get to 😊 gather.  That is very nice.

               Much Love,




Monday, July 22, 2024



Dear Family,


               As Seth continued to be sick I continued to take preventative measures.  Thank you for praying with me that I did not get sick.  Seth is getting better so that is good.

               Adriel continues to let me know she is alive so that is nice.  Please pray with me that she makes good choices.

               Bobby is back from camp, safe and sound.  He is glad to be with me for the week.  Yay.

               Thank you friends and family for being with me as I journey through life.  I enjoy your responses and would also love to hear about how your summer is going.

               May our Lord keep you, bless you and bring you joy.  Much love,




Monday, July 15, 2024



Dear Family,


               Bobby was home until Monday.  I do miss him and look forward to him coming home.  I enjoy the time we have together.  This week I remain glad for volunteer opportunities, work, and friends.  Friends fill my heart with joy and help me see perspective so much better than me by myself.  I am glad there are people who have been through what I am pondering and came out no worse for the wear.  Bobby did come home Saturday and it was delightful to see him.

               Sunday was a lovely highlight.  I enjoy the people, the message and the hope that we look to.

               Seth has a cold.  Please pray with me that he gets better. 

               Adriel has answered several texts.  I am glad she is alive. The mothers day present she gave me is blooming quite beautifully.  I am glad for pretty flowers that remind me of people I love.  How wonderful.  Although I don’t water the entire garden, those flowers I do water.

               May you choose to water those that matter to you.  May you be a light to the world and a delight to our Lord.  Much love 😊




Monday, July 8, 2024



Dear Family,


               Having Bobby home for a week was lovely.  He cooked amazing food and was pleasant to be around.  I enjoyed relaxing with him.  He had a root beer social youth group event.  We are so blessed by the Duval family who are willing to host the youth group often.  The teens were excited to be there, and I enjoyed the game of things where we wrote down ideas of, “Things what would not be a good Jello flavor.”  Tomato, dog hair, human flesh and cat were the most interesting.  It was entertaining to see looks on people’s faces when we guessed who said what.

               Seth had his maiden voyage to Portland alone when he picked Adriel up on the third of July.  He did just fine and was happy to do the drive.  I can tell he loves people when he does things for them.  It’s not overt, just a willingness to be unselfish.  He also took an old computer and made it useful for Bobby.  It wasn’t something anyone mentioned that needed to be done.  Seth noticed Bobby might want it and Bobby is quite pleased. 

               Adriel was a delight.  She is so full of energy, spunk and sweetness.  I appreciate her smile and abilities.  She freely hugs and her deep voice is pleasant.  I am always glad to be with her.

               Our fourth was celebrated with fun neighbors and delicious food.  Although I didn’t stay past nine, I was glad for the time I did have with people.  I am glad for friends always.

               May you also delight in those you are blessed to interact with.  May your joy come from being with our Lord in the mornings, reading His words and learning more about how we can please Him. 


Much love, 




Monday, July 1, 2024



Dear Family,

               I am so glad for my friends!  While Bobby was gone, I enjoyed several walks with friends, and one even invited me over for dinner.  That was very kind since Seth works in the evenings. 

               I am glad that Adriel has been chatting with me more and has been quite sweet.  We even talked for a couple of hours on Thursday and Friday.

Seth has given me hugs and been helpful in the garden daily.  I appreciate his gentle kindness and smiles.

Volunteering has been a boon to my soul as well.  I enjoy the camaraderie at the Union Gospel Mission Thrift store.  I also enjoy writing letters to people who are seeking spiritually with Global Media Outreach.  This is a blessing to me because they can be so thankful.  That warms my heart.  You can also volunteer with Global Media Outreach, do a google search.  It’s super cool.

Bobby did return safely, and I am glad about that.  We enjoyed some time together eating out and relaxing with games.  I am glad he will be home for a week before being gone again.

I also rejoiced with the church as we reminisced about the building project and as we celebrated the loan being paid off.  We mourned the loss of Sorin and his family as he will be moving on in a different way that Hispanic pastor serving alongside our pastors.  He will be missed.  And then there was a potluck.  Food that transports me to the heavenly realms.  So good!!

May you find that nature’s beauty speaks to you.  May you hear it say how our Lord is alive, he is at work among us today, “Look! Our beauty testifies that He is working in and through us still!”

Much love,

