Monday, June 24, 2024



Dear family,

               It’s funny how Bobby and I are being purposeful about spending more time together this week.  Camp is coming up and we know we will miss each other.  We are bracing ourselves. 

               Sunday morning I did have a hilarious moment.  Several youth were bent over something and I came to investigate.  One person blurted out – “We aren’t doing anything illegal.”  Oh my!  That just perks the curiosity more.  They were trading ducks – how fun.

               One positive thing that already gives me great joy is that the raspberry plants were cut down to the ground.  That is two months of angst gone.  Poof!  I might have to sell the top row as well.  We will see how we feel about it next spring.

               Seth has been pruning daily and I appreciate his willingness to do this.  He also brought in some groceries and put them away.  I feel loved when family helps out.  Seth has been pruning daily.  This is such a blessing!  I can’t begin to describe how not crying about the garden this year lifts my spirits.

               Adriel keeps letting us know she is alive, and I am so glad for our open communication.  I love her dearly 😊.  She offered to come over to help around the house and that was so sweet! 

               May you also feel blessed by those you love.  May you enjoy each interaction and may you find grace in our Lord and the beauty of His nature.  Much love,





Sunday, June 16, 2024



Dear Family,


          I am so blessed to have a job I enjoy and a cool cooked meal when I come home.  It’s too hot outside for hot cooked meals 😊. 

          Wednesday, we had our end of the year blast for combined Youth Groups.  Over 50 people were in attendance!  Oh my!  So many youth!  There were a lot of fun interactions.  I’ll share my two favorite:  One student said,  “Blaze proposed to me!” When I asked the middle schooler what her reply was, “I said no, and he said why?”  Then she said something hilarious.  “I told him I was in love with someone else.”  Good times.

          Another person told me, “There isn’t enough Bobby to go around.  Imagine if everyone had a Bobby of their own.”  That sure would be interesting.

          Friday Bobby mowed the lawn.  I am so blessed that he helps out. 

          Seth has picked cherries daily this entire week.  I am so relieved for the help and tickled to know he is getting a healthy snack.  I enjoy his hugs when I see him and am glad, he is done with school for the spring term.

          Adriel came over Saturday to celebrate Father’s Day with us and I truly enjoyed the drive with her.  She shares her heart, and I am warmed to hear what she cares about.  Adriel and Seth then picked cherries with me, and I was delighted that she climbed the tree to get at them better.  Adriel also helped pit the cherries for freezing.  She is such good company!

          Bobby was encouraged to have family together and we played a board game since it was a celebration of him.  I was surprised that Seth not only took interest in the game but won.  He strategized, did statistics and came out on top.  How fun!  I am glad Seth enjoys playing games with friends and it transferred to family.

          May your family also be a blessing, grow in love with you and be helpful.  May you find peace in knowing how much God loves you!  Much love,




Monday, June 10, 2024



Dear Family,


          That Seth said he didn’t want to gather for his Birthday is typical.  When he heard Adriel might come, he changed his mind and decided he wouldn’t mind gathering to see her.  That warmed my heart.  My parents want to visit us every couple of months and enjoy picking Adriel up to bring her down.  They help make our family complete.  This is such a blessing!  My heart was so full from seeing everyone on Sunday that I could barely sleep even though I knew I needed to be at work 4 AM!  We had such great conversation!  So many hugs and so much love was shared.  I truly enjoy gathering and am filled by being with family.

            Bobby also blesses us when he visits his family.  Sadly, I was working on Monday (an 11 hour day) but he had a fun visit with his mom and brought back some fun things.

          Tuesday evening at Middle school group one person wanted to know if next weeks Summer celebration allowed 5th grade students to attend.  Bobby assured them that they were coming to youth group now so, yes, they were invited.  I had to mention that next week they would be in 6th grade because they graduated 5th.  This was answered with one word.  Fact.”  I like how their jargon makes speech short and sweet. 

          Before the lesson Bobby asked, “Anyone remember what we learned last week?”  One person let us know they hadn’t been listening by saying, “Are we talking about our weekends?”

          Bobby had a picture of someone with toilet paper streaming behind their heel and a youth had to mention, “Like my grandma!”  Oh dear.

          Truthfulness was being taught and Bobby mentioned filters and trying to look like them.  Rich said, “Filters are an abomination!”  A student said, “Rich, you are cray, cray.”  (I.e. Crazy).

          Wednesday night we had several visitors join us in the high school group.  He did ask if they remembered last weeks lesson and some people were spot on.  Coveting and how we shouldn’t do that with the example of David and Bathsheba.  One person said, “I’m going to covet another person’s wife now.”  Yikes.

          The top left corner of the lesson had a picture of He-man and Bobby tested their 80’s knowledge by asking if they recognized the picture.  One person said, ‘It’s a picture of you pastor Bobby.”  That was silly.  Bobby was trying to give a hint – it’s from my childhood memories!  Another male said, “I just have my little pony memories.”

          I was blessed when Bobby gave me a ride to work and back.  He filled me in on our lives and I enjoyed making plans with him.

          Seth mentioned that he could have given me a ride a day too late.  That was sweet of him to say yes even though it was late. 

          Friday night we enjoyed dinner and a game with Pastor Ed and Leanne.  The food was great and they are wonderful company.  Yay for fellowship.

          Bobby did make several meals this week and I enjoyed not cooking 😊.  I also am so glad to eat yummy food after a full day of work. 

          I am glad Adriel lets me know she is still alive.  I pray for her often and am so concerned about her walking in Portland all alone.  Please pray with me that she makes wise choices, good friends and continues to grow in her Love for God.

          May you also make wise choices, good friends and grow in your love for God 😊.  May you feel as blessed as you are my friends.  Love, Cristy

Sunday, June 2, 2024



Dear Family,


          My favorite meals don’t come from a restaurant.  My favorites are made with love and from Bobby’s good sense and choices.  I am glad every time he cooks even when I don’t like the food.  This comes from years of me cooking and not enjoying that.

          Tuesday night at Middle School group I had to laugh when Bobby told the story of David and Bathsheba.  When Bobby asked if anyone knew Bathsheba’s husband’s name someone asked, “Uterus?”  Uriah does start with a U.  Later, Bobby was trying to say that even someone who was a man after God’s own heart could make mistakes.  When Bobby asked, “What was David known as?”  Someone said, “A pervert.” 

          Wednesday night had so much laughter I enjoyed myself thoroughly.  The lesson time brought out so many fun interactions.  Bobby brought up a hypothetical situation.  “Say Josh is in a boat and it’s sinking like the titanic. . . “  Another student was excited about this, “Yes!”  Oh dear!  So Josh says, “If it’s my time to go, it’s my time to go.”  Another student asked, “Number two?”  Yikes – it was just too much!

          Bobby also mentioned, “If I start keying my name into a certain persons car . . “ This was stopped by, “I do have pepper spray you know.”  The student went on, “And a baton, my dad is an ex-cop.”  After such mentions of more ways the student wouldn’t mind stopping Bobby’s harassment Bobby decided he will stay far away from this student and his vehicles.

          Our students are quick witted and fun.  They are learning about the Bible as well as natural consequences to making poor decisions.  Bobby citing examples  of bad decisions is one way to think out choices to make the right ones.

Time for relaxation is key to success when it comes to being productive.  It sounds counterintuitive but, without giving our bodies rest we will burn out and that is not fun!  Also, I hate being sore!  I am glad Bobby and I took some time to be at the beach, enjoy each others company and celebrate 28 years of marriage.  We had fun walking, eating and relaxing.

          Seth doesn’t mind us being gone at all.  He watched over the cat and house.  I am glad Seth is good at that.  He is so sweet.  He even brought home a card from church for our anniversary from friends. 

          Adriel has been responsive to my calls and texts.  I love her so much and am glad she is in our lives. 

          May you also be glad for those you are in contact with.  May your interactions deepen your love, faith and joy.  May you be filled with God’s love and may it pour out onto those you encounter.  Love and hugs,

